Solidago \Sol`i*da"go\, n. [NL., fr. L. solidare to strengthen,
unite; -- so called in allusion to its reputed healing
qualities.] (Bot.)
A genus of yellow-flowered composite perennial herbs;
[1913 Webster]
n 1: goldenrod [syn: Solidago, genus Solidago]
podobné slovodefinícia
Solidago \Sol`i*da"go\, n. [NL., fr. L. solidare to strengthen,
unite; -- so called in allusion to its reputed healing
qualities.] (Bot.)
A genus of yellow-flowered composite perennial herbs;
[1913 Webster]
Solidago Virga-aurea
goldenrod \gold"en*rod`\, golden-rod
\gold"en-rod`\(g[=o]ld"'n*r[o^]d`), n. (Bot.)
A tall herb (Solidago Virga-aurea), bearing small yellow
flowers in a graceful elongated cluster. The name is common
to all the species of the genus Solidago.
[1913 Webster]

Golden-rod tree (Bot.), a shrub (Bosea Yervamora), a
native of the Canary Isles.
[1913 Webster]
genus solidago
genus Solidago
n 1: goldenrod [syn: Solidago, genus Solidago]
solidago bicolor
Solidago bicolor
n 1: plant of eastern North America having creamy white flowers
[syn: silverrod, Solidago bicolor]
solidago canadensis
Solidago canadensis
n 1: large North American goldenrod having showy clusters of
yellow flowers on arching branches; often a weed [syn:
meadow goldenrod, Canadian goldenrod, {Solidago
solidago missouriensis
Solidago missouriensis
n 1: similar to meadow goldenrod but usually smaller [syn:
Missouri goldenrod, Solidago missouriensis]
solidago multiradiata
Solidago multiradiata
n 1: goldenrod similar to narrow goldenrod but having bristly
hairs on edges of leaf stalks; mountainous regions of
western America [syn: alpine goldenrod, {Solidago
solidago nemoralis
Solidago nemoralis
n 1: a dyer's weed of Canada and the eastern United States
having yellow flowers sometimes used in dyeing [syn: {grey
goldenrod}, gray goldenrod, Solidago nemoralis]
solidago odora
Solidago odora
n 1: goldenrod of eastern America having aromatic leaves from
which a medicinal tea is made [syn: Blue Mountain tea,
sweet goldenrod, Solidago odora]
solidago rugosa
Solidago rugosa
n 1: eastern North American herb whose yellow flowers are (or
were) used in dyeing [syn: dyer's weed, {Solidago
solidago sempervirens
Solidago sempervirens
n 1: vigorous showy goldenrod common along eastern coast and
Gulf Coast of North America [syn: seaside goldenrod,
beach goldenrod, Solidago sempervirens]
solidago spathulata
Solidago spathulata
n 1: western American goldenrod with long narrow clusters of
small yellow flowers [syn: narrow goldenrod, {Solidago

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