n 1: English poet who wrote an allegorical romance celebrating
Elizabeth I in the Spenserian stanza (1552-1599) [syn:
Spenser, Edmund Spenser]
podobné slovodefinícia
cash dispenser
cash dispenser
- bankomat, bankomat
cash dispenser
cash dispenser,bankomat
dispenser,dávkovač n: Zdeněk Brož
dispensers,dávkovače Zdeněk Brož
island dispenser
island dispenser, n:
soap dispenser
soap dispenser, n:
Dispenser \Dis*pens"er\, n.
One who, or that which, dispenses; a distributer; as, a
dispenser of favors.
[1913 Webster]
Spenserian \Spen*se"ri*an\, a.
Of or pertaining to the English poet Spenser; -- specifically
applied to the stanza used in his poem "The Fa["e]rie
[1913 Webster]
cash dispenser
cash dispenser
n 1: an unattended machine (outside some banks) that dispenses
money when a personal coded card is used [syn: {cash
machine}, cash dispenser, automated teller machine,
automatic teller machine, automated teller, {automatic
teller}, ATM]
n 1: a container so designed that the contents can be used in
prescribed amounts
2: a person who dispenses
edmund spenser
Edmund Spenser
n 1: English poet who wrote an allegorical romance celebrating
Elizabeth I in the Spenserian stanza (1552-1599) [syn:
Spenser, Edmund Spenser]
island dispenser
island dispenser
n 1: a pump in a service station that draws gasoline from
underground storage tanks [syn: gas pump, {gasoline
pump}, petrol pump, island dispenser]
sir winston leonard spenser churchill
Sir Winston Leonard Spenser Churchill
n 1: British statesman and leader during World War II; received
Nobel prize for literature in 1953 (1874-1965) [syn:
Churchill, Winston Churchill, Winston S. Churchill,
Sir Winston Leonard Spenser Churchill]
soap dispenser
soap dispenser
n 1: dispenser of liquid soap
spenserian sonnet
Spenserian sonnet
n 1: a sonnet consisting of three quatrains and a concluding
couplet in iambic pentameter with the rhyme pattern abab
bcbd cdcd ee
spenserian stanza
Spenserian stanza
n 1: a stanza with eight lines of iambic pentameter and a
concluding Alexandrine with the rhyme pattern abab bcbc c;
"the Spenserian stanza was introduced by Edmund Spenser in
The Faerie Queene"

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