Hatteria \Hat*te"ri*a\ (h[a^]t*t[=e]"r[i^]*[.a]), n. [NL.]
A New Zealand lizard, which, in anatomical character, differs
widely from all other existing lizards. It is the only living
representative of the order Rhynchocephala, of which many
Mesozoic fossil species are known; -- called also
Sphenodon, tuatara, and Tuatera.
[1913 Webster]
Sphenodon \Sphe"no*don\, n. [Gr. sfh`n a wedge + ???, ???, a
tooth.] (Zool.)
Same as Hatteria.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: coextensive with the order Rhynchocephalia: tuataras [syn:
Sphenodon, genus Sphenodon]
podobné slovodefinícia
Hatteria \Hat*te"ri*a\ (h[a^]t*t[=e]"r[i^]*[.a]), n. [NL.]
A New Zealand lizard, which, in anatomical character, differs
widely from all other existing lizards. It is the only living
representative of the order Rhynchocephala, of which many
Mesozoic fossil species are known; -- called also
Sphenodon, tuatara, and Tuatera.
[1913 Webster]Sphenodon \Sphe"no*don\, n. [Gr. sfh`n a wedge + ???, ???, a
tooth.] (Zool.)
Same as Hatteria.
[1913 Webster]
Sphenodon punctatum
Tuatara \Tu`a*ta"ra\, n. [Maori tuat[`a]ra; tua on the farther
side (the back) + tara spine.] (Zool.)
A large iguanalike reptile (Sphenodon punctatum) formerly
common in New Zealand, but by 1900 confined to certain islets
near the coast. It reaches a length of two and a half feet,
is dark olive-green with small white or yellowish specks on
the sides, and has yellow spines along the back, except on
the neck. It is the only surviving member of the order
Rhyncocephala. Also called tuatera and hatteria.
[Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]
genus sphenodon
genus Sphenodon
n 1: coextensive with the order Rhynchocephalia: tuataras [syn:
Sphenodon, genus Sphenodon]
sphenodon punctatum
Sphenodon punctatum
n 1: only extant member of the order Rhynchocephalia of large
spiny lizard-like diapsid reptiles of coastal islands off
New Zealand [syn: tuatara, Sphenodon punctatum]

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