spherical trigonometry
spherical trigonometry, n:
Spherical trigonometry
Spherical \Spher"ic*al\, Spheric \Spher"ic\, a. [L. sphaericus,
Gr. ???: cf. F. sph['e]rique.]
1. Having the form of a sphere; like a sphere; globular;
orbicular; as, a spherical body.
[1913 Webster]

2. Of or pertaining to a sphere.
[1913 Webster]

3. Of or pertaining to the heavenly orbs, or to the sphere or
spheres in which, according to ancient astronomy and
astrology, they were set.
[1913 Webster]

Knaves, thieves, and treachers by spherical
predominance. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Though the stars were suns, and overburned
Their spheric limitations. --Mrs.
[1913 Webster]

Spherical angle, Spherical coordinate, {Spherical
excess}, etc. See under Angle, Coordinate, etc.

Spherical geometry, that branch of geometry which treats of
spherical magnitudes; the doctrine of the sphere,
especially of the circles described on its surface.

Spherical harmonic analysis. See under Harmonic, a.

Spherical lune,portion of the surface of a sphere included
between two great semicircles having a common diameter.

Spherical opening, the magnitude of a solid angle. It is
measured by the portion within the solid angle of the
surface of any sphere whose center is the angular point.

Spherical polygon,portion of the surface of a sphere
bounded by the arcs of three or more great circles.

Spherical projection, the projection of the circles of the
sphere upon a plane. See Projection.

Spherical sector. See under Sector.

Spherical segment, the segment of a sphere. See under

Spherical triangle,re on the surface of a sphere, bounded
by the arcs of three great circles which intersect each

Spherical trigonometry. See Trigonometry.
[1913 Webster] -- Spher"ic*al*ly, adv. --
Spher"ic*al*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]
Spherical trigonometry
Trigonometry \Trig`o*nom"e*try\, n.; pl. -tries. [Gr. ? a
triangle + -metry: cf. F. trigonom['e]trie. See Trigon.]
1. That branch of mathematics which treats of the relations
of the sides and angles of triangles, which the methods of
deducing from certain given parts other required parts,
and also of the general relations which exist between the
trigonometrical functions of arcs or angles.
[1913 Webster]

2. A treatise in this science.
[1913 Webster]

Analytical trigonometry, that branch of trigonometry which
treats of the relations and properties of the
trigonometrical functions.

Plane trigonometry, and Spherical trigonometry, those
branches of trigonometry in which its principles are
applied to plane triangles and spherical triangles
[1913 Webster]
spherical trigonometry
spherical trigonometry
n 1: (mathematics) the trigonometry of spherical triangles
podobné slovodefinícia
Spherical trigonometry
Spherical \Spher"ic*al\, Spheric \Spher"ic\, a. [L. sphaericus,
Gr. ???: cf. F. sph['e]rique.]
1. Having the form of a sphere; like a sphere; globular;
orbicular; as, a spherical body.
[1913 Webster]

2. Of or pertaining to a sphere.
[1913 Webster]

3. Of or pertaining to the heavenly orbs, or to the sphere or
spheres in which, according to ancient astronomy and
astrology, they were set.
[1913 Webster]

Knaves, thieves, and treachers by spherical
predominance. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Though the stars were suns, and overburned
Their spheric limitations. --Mrs.
[1913 Webster]

Spherical angle, Spherical coordinate, {Spherical
excess}, etc. See under Angle, Coordinate, etc.

Spherical geometry, that branch of geometry which treats of
spherical magnitudes; the doctrine of the sphere,
especially of the circles described on its surface.

Spherical harmonic analysis. See under Harmonic, a.

Spherical lune,portion of the surface of a sphere included
between two great semicircles having a common diameter.

Spherical opening, the magnitude of a solid angle. It is
measured by the portion within the solid angle of the
surface of any sphere whose center is the angular point.

Spherical polygon,portion of the surface of a sphere
bounded by the arcs of three or more great circles.

Spherical projection, the projection of the circles of the
sphere upon a plane. See Projection.

Spherical sector. See under Sector.

Spherical segment, the segment of a sphere. See under

Spherical triangle,re on the surface of a sphere, bounded
by the arcs of three great circles which intersect each

Spherical trigonometry. See Trigonometry.
[1913 Webster] -- Spher"ic*al*ly, adv. --
Spher"ic*al*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]Trigonometry \Trig`o*nom"e*try\, n.; pl. -tries. [Gr. ? a
triangle + -metry: cf. F. trigonom['e]trie. See Trigon.]
1. That branch of mathematics which treats of the relations
of the sides and angles of triangles, which the methods of
deducing from certain given parts other required parts,
and also of the general relations which exist between the
trigonometrical functions of arcs or angles.
[1913 Webster]

2. A treatise in this science.
[1913 Webster]

Analytical trigonometry, that branch of trigonometry which
treats of the relations and properties of the
trigonometrical functions.

Plane trigonometry, and Spherical trigonometry, those
branches of trigonometry in which its principles are
applied to plane triangles and spherical triangles
[1913 Webster]

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