slovo | definícia |
structural isomer (gcide) | Isomer \I"so*mer\ ([imac]"s[-o]*m[~e]r), n. [See Isomeric.]
A compound which is isomeric with another body or compound; a
compound having the same chemical composition as another
compound; a member of an isomeric series.
[1913 Webster +PJC]
Note: An isomer may be a structural isomer, in which some
of the atoms are bonded to different atoms (as in
CH3.CH2.NH2 and CH3.NH.CH3), or an {optical
isomer}, in which the number and types of chemical
bonds are identical, but the arrangement of the atoms
in three-dimensional space is different; the latter are
also called stereoisomers.
[PJC] |
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