slovo | definícia |
tandem connection (gcide) | Cascade system \Cascade system\ (Elec.)
A system or method of connecting and operating two induction
motors so that the primary circuit of one is connected to the
secondary circuit of the other, the primary circuit of the
latter being connected to the source of supply; also, a
system of electric traction in which motors so connected are
employed. The cascade system is also called
tandem system, or concatenated system; the connection a
cascade connection, tandem connection, or {concatenated
connection}, or
a concatenation; and the control of the motors so obtained
tandem control, or concatenation control.
Note: In the cascade system of traction the cascade
connection is used for starting and for low speeds up
to half speed. For full speed the short-circuited motor
is cut loose from the other motor and is either left
idle or (commonly) connected direct to the line.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.] |
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