textil,textilen: Zdeněk Brož
podobné slovodefinícia
- garment
textile,textil n: Zdeněk Brožtextile,textilní Zdeněk Brož
textile machine
textile machine, n:
textile material
textile material,textílie Pavel Cvrček
textile mill
textile mill, n:
textile screw pine
textile screw pine, n:
textiles,textilie n: Zdeněk Brožtextiles,textily Zdeněk Brož
druh textilie
druh textilie,spandexn: [text.] na bázi polyuretanu, hodně
elastická Pavel Machek
obchodník s textilem
obchodník s textilem,draper Zdeněk Brož
podomácku předená textilie
podomácku předená textilie,homespunn: Jiří Dadák
textilie,textilesn: Zdeněk Brož
textilní,textile Zdeněk Brož
textilní vlákna
textilní vlákna,lintn: Pino
textilní zboží
textilní zboží,dry goods Zdeněk Brož
textily,textiles Zdeněk Brož
Conus textilis
Textile \Tex"tile\, a. [L. textilis, fr. texere to weave: cf. F.
textile. See Text.]
Pertaining to weaving or to woven fabrics; as, textile arts;
woven, capable of being woven; formed by weaving; as, textile
[1913 Webster]

Textile cone (Zool.), a beautiful cone shell ({Conus
textilis}) in which the colors are arranged so that they
resemble certain kinds of cloth.
[1913 Webster]
Musa textilis
Manila hemp \Manila hemp\ n.
1. A fibrous material obtained from the abaca plant ({Musa
textilis}), a plant allied to the banana, growing in the
Philippine and other East India islands; -- called also by
the native name abaca. From it matting, canvas, ropes,
and cables are made.

Syn: Manilla hemp, abaca.
[1913 Webster]

2. A Philippine plant (Musa textilis) having leafstalks
that yield Manila hemp used for rope and paper etc.;
called also the abaca.
[WordNet 1.5]Musa \Mu"sa\, prop. n.; pl. Musae. [NL., fr. Ar. mauz, mauza,
banana.] (Bot.)
A genus of perennial, herbaceous, endogenous plants of great
size, including the banana (Musa sapientum), the plantain
(Musa paradisiaca of Linnaeus, but probably not a distinct
species), the Abyssinian (Musa Ensete), the Philippine
Island (Musa textilis, which yields Manila hemp), and about
eighteen other species. See Illust. of Banana and
[1913 Webster]Abaca \Ab"a*ca\ ([a^]b"[.a]*k[.a]), n. [The native name.]
The Manila-hemp plant (Musa textilis); also, its fiber. See
Manila hemp under Manila.
[1913 Webster]Bandala \Ban*da"la\, n.
A fabric made in Manila from the older leaf sheaths of the
abaca (Musa textilis).
[1913 Webster] BandannaHemp \Hemp\ (h[e^]mp), n. [OE. hemp, AS. henep, h[ae]nep; akin
to D. hennep, OHG. hanaf, G. hanf, Icel. hampr, Dan. hamp,
Sw. hampa, L. cannabis, cannabum, Gr. ka`nnabis, ka`nnabos;
cf. Russ. konoplia, Skr. [,c]a[.n]a; all prob. borrowed from
some other language at an early time. Cf. Cannabine,
1. (Bot.) A plant of the genus Cannabis ({Cannabis
sativa}), the fibrous skin or bark of which is used for
making cloth and cordage. The name is also applied to
various other plants yielding fiber.
[1913 Webster]

2. The fiber of the skin or rind of the plant, prepared for
spinning. The name has also been extended to various
fibers resembling the true hemp.
[1913 Webster]

African hemp, Bowstring hemp. See under African, and

Bastard hemp, the Asiatic herb Datisca cannabina.

Canada hemp, a species of dogbane (Apocynum cannabinum),
the fiber of which was used by the Indians.

Hemp agrimony, a coarse, composite herb of Europe
(Eupatorium cannabinum), much like the American boneset.

Hemp nettle, a plant of the genus Galeopsis ({Galeopsis
Tetrahit}), belonging to the Mint family.

Indian hemp. See under Indian, a.

Manila hemp, the fiber of Musa textilis.

Sisal hemp, the fiber of Agave sisalana, of Mexico and

Sunn hemp, a fiber obtained from a leguminous plant
(Crotalaria juncea).

Water hemp, an annual American weed (Acnida cannabina),
related to the amaranth.
[1913 Webster]
Textile \Tex"tile\, n.
That which is, or may be, woven; a fabric made by weaving.
[1913 Webster]Textile \Tex"tile\, a. [L. textilis, fr. texere to weave: cf. F.
textile. See Text.]
Pertaining to weaving or to woven fabrics; as, textile arts;
woven, capable of being woven; formed by weaving; as, textile
[1913 Webster]

Textile cone (Zool.), a beautiful cone shell ({Conus
textilis}) in which the colors are arranged so that they
resemble certain kinds of cloth.
[1913 Webster]
Textile cone
Textile \Tex"tile\, a. [L. textilis, fr. texere to weave: cf. F.
textile. See Text.]
Pertaining to weaving or to woven fabrics; as, textile arts;
woven, capable of being woven; formed by weaving; as, textile
[1913 Webster]

Textile cone (Zool.), a beautiful cone shell ({Conus
textilis}) in which the colors are arranged so that they
resemble certain kinds of cloth.
[1913 Webster]
musa textilis
Musa textilis
n 1: Philippine banana tree having leafstalks that yield Manila
hemp used for rope and paper etc [syn: abaca, {Manila
hemp}, Musa textilis]
adj 1: of or relating to fabrics or fabric making; "textile
n 1: artifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or
crocheting natural or synthetic fibers; "the fabric in the
curtains was light and semitransparent"; "woven cloth
originated in Mesopotamia around 5000 BC"; "she measured
off enough material for a dress" [syn: fabric, cloth,
material, textile]
textile machine
textile machine
n 1: a machine for making textiles
textile mill
textile mill
n 1: a factory for making textiles
textile screw pine
textile screw pine
n 1: Polynesian screw pine [syn: textile screw pine,
lauhala, Pandanus tectorius]

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