Thorpe,Thorpe n: [jmén.] příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Thorpe,Thorpen: [jmén.] příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Thorp \Thorp\, Thorpe \Thorpe\(th[^o]rp), n. [AS. [thorn]orp;
akin to OS. & OFries. thorp, D. dorp, G. dorf, Icel.
[thorn]orp, Dan. torp, Sw. torp a cottage, a little farm,
Goth. [thorn]a['u]rp a field, and probably to Lith. troba a
building, a house, W. tref a hamlet, Ir. treabh a farmed
village, a tribe, clan, Gael. treabhair houses, and perhaps
to L. turba a crowd, mult. Cf. Dorp.]
A group of houses in the country; a small village; a hamlet;
a dorp; -- now chiefly occurring in names of places and
persons; as, Althorp, Mablethorpe. "Within a little thorp I
staid." --Fairfax.
[1913 Webster]

Then thorpe and byre arose in fire. --Tennyson.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: outstanding United States athlete (1888-1953) [syn:
Thorpe, Jim Thorpe, James Francis Thorpe]
podobné slovodefinícia
octothorpe,znak # n: Lubosse
Oglethorpe,okres v USA n: [jmén.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
octothorp \oc"to*thorp\, octothorpe \oc"to*thorpe\, n. [octo-
eight + thorp Etymology of thorp uncertain. (ca. 1965). See
quote below. Possibly derived from octalthorpe or octotherp
(once used by the Bell System?).]
A typographic symbol (#) having two vertical lines
intersected by two horizontal lines. It is also called the
crosshatch, hash, numeral sign and number sign; in
the U. S. it is commonly called the pound sign, especially
to designate the symbol as used on digital telephone dials,
but this can be confusing to Europeans who think of the pound
sign as the symbol for the British pound. It is commonly used
as a symbol for the word number; as in #36 (meaning: number

Otherwise known as the numeral sign. It has also been
used as a symbol for the pound avoirdupois, but this
usage is now archaic. In cartography, it is also a
symbol for village: eight fields around a central
square, and this is the source of its name. Octothorp
means eight fields.
(The Elements
of Typographic
Style (2d
1996), Hartley
& Marks,
Point Roberts,
WA; Vancouver,
BC, Canada, p.
[Joel Neely]
Thorp \Thorp\, Thorpe \Thorpe\(th[^o]rp), n. [AS. [thorn]orp;
akin to OS. & OFries. thorp, D. dorp, G. dorf, Icel.
[thorn]orp, Dan. torp, Sw. torp a cottage, a little farm,
Goth. [thorn]a['u]rp a field, and probably to Lith. troba a
building, a house, W. tref a hamlet, Ir. treabh a farmed
village, a tribe, clan, Gael. treabhair houses, and perhaps
to L. turba a crowd, mult. Cf. Dorp.]
A group of houses in the country; a small village; a hamlet;
a dorp; -- now chiefly occurring in names of places and
persons; as, Althorp, Mablethorpe. "Within a little thorp I
staid." --Fairfax.
[1913 Webster]

Then thorpe and byre arose in fire. --Tennyson.
[1913 Webster]
james francis thorpe
James Francis Thorpe
n 1: outstanding United States athlete (1888-1953) [syn:
Thorpe, Jim Thorpe, James Francis Thorpe]
jim thorpe
Jim Thorpe
n 1: outstanding United States athlete (1888-1953) [syn:
Thorpe, Jim Thorpe, James Francis Thorpe]
hash character

"#", ASCII character 35.

Common names: number sign; pound; pound sign; hash; sharp;
crunch; hex; INTERCAL: mesh. Rare: grid; crosshatch;
octothorpe; flash; ITU-T: square, pig-pen; tictactoe;
scratchmark; thud; thump; splat.

The pronunciation of "#" as "pound" is common in the US but a
bad idea; Commonwealth Hackish has its own, rather more
apposite use of "pound sign" (confusingly, on British
keyboards the pound graphic happens to replace "#"; thus
Britishers sometimes call "#" on a US-ASCII keyboard "pound",
compounding the American error). The US usage derives from an
old-fashioned commercial practice of using a "#" suffix to tag
pound weights on bills of lading. The character is usually
pronounced "hash" outside the US.

The name "octothorpe" was made up by a Bell Labs supervisor,
Don Macpherson.

{Octothorpe story


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