tigers,tygři n: Zdeněk Brož
n 1: a terrorist organization in Sri Lanka that began in 1970 as
a student protest over the limited university access for
Tamil students; currently seeks to establish an independent
Tamil state called Eelam; relies on guerilla strategy
including terrorist tactics that target key government and
military personnel; "the Tamil Tigers perfected suicide
bombing as a weapon of war" [syn: {Liberation Tigers of
Tamil Eelam}, LTTE, Tamil Tigers, Tigers, {World
Tamil Association}, World Tamil Movement]
podobné slovodefinícia
saber-toothed tigers
Machaerodus \Ma*chae"ro*dus\ (m[.a]*k[=e]"r[-o]*d[u^]s),
Machairodus \Ma*chai"ro*dus\ (m[.a]*k[imac]"r[-o]*d[u^]s), n.
[NL., fr. Gr. ma`chaira dagger + 'odoy`s tooth.] (Paleon.)
A genus of extinct mammals allied to the cats, and having in
the upper jaw canine teeth of remarkable size and strength;
-- hence called saber-toothed tigers.
[1913 Webster]
Tiger's-foot \Ti"ger's-foot`\, n. (Bot.)
A name given to some species of morning-glory (Ipomoea)
having the leaves lobed in pedate fashion.
[1913 Webster]
liberation tigers of tamil eelam
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
n 1: a terrorist organization in Sri Lanka that began in 1970 as
a student protest over the limited university access for
Tamil students; currently seeks to establish an independent
Tamil state called Eelam; relies on guerilla strategy
including terrorist tactics that target key government and
military personnel; "the Tamil Tigers perfected suicide
bombing as a weapon of war" [syn: {Liberation Tigers of
Tamil Eelam}, LTTE, Tamil Tigers, Tigers, {World
Tamil Association}, World Tamil Movement]
tamil tigers
Tamil Tigers
n 1: a terrorist organization in Sri Lanka that began in 1970 as
a student protest over the limited university access for
Tamil students; currently seeks to establish an independent
Tamil state called Eelam; relies on guerilla strategy
including terrorist tactics that target key government and
military personnel; "the Tamil Tigers perfected suicide
bombing as a weapon of war" [syn: {Liberation Tigers of
Tamil Eelam}, LTTE, Tamil Tigers, Tigers, {World
Tamil Association}, World Tamil Movement]

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