slovo | definícia |
toolchain (jargon) | toolchain
A collection of tools used to develop for a particular hardware target, or
to work with a particular data format (thus ‘the Crusoe development
toolchain’, or the ‘DocBook toolchain’). Often used in the context of
building software on one system which will be installed or run on some
other device; in that case the chain of tools usually consists of such
items as a particular version of a compiler, libraries, special headers,
etc. May also be used of text-formatting, page layout, or multimedia tools
which render from some markup to a variety of production formats. Differs
from ‘toolkit’ in that the former implies a collection of semi-independent
tools with complementary functions, while ‘toolchain’ implies that each of
the parts is a serial stage in a rather tightly bound pipeline. Seems to
have become current in early 1999 and 2000; now common.
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