n 1: (Norse mythology) god of war and strife and son of Odin;
identified with Anglo-Saxon Tiu [syn: Tyr, Tyrr]
podobné slovodefinícia
platyrrhine, n:
platyrrhinian, adj:
platyrrhinic, adj:
superfamily platyrrhini
superfamily Platyrrhini, n:
Heterodon platyrrhinos
Puff \Puff\, n. [Akin to G. & Sw. puff a blow, Dan. puf, D. pof;
of imitative origin. Cf. Buffet.]
1. A sudden and single emission of breath from the mouth;
hence, any sudden or short blast of wind; a slight gust; a
whiff. " To every puff of wind a slave." --Flatman.
[1913 Webster]

2. Anything light and filled with air. Specifically:
(a) A puffball.
(b) kind of light pastry.
(c) A utensil of the toilet for dusting the skin or hair
with powder.
[1913 Webster]

3. An exaggerated or empty expression of praise, especially
one in a public journal.
[1913 Webster]

Puff adder. (Zool.)
(a) Any South African viper belonging to Clotho and
allied genera. They are exceedingly venomous, and have
the power of greatly distending their bodies when
irritated. The common puff adder (Vipera arietans,
or Clotho arietans) is the largest species, becoming
over four feet long. The plumed puff adder ({Clotho
cornuta}) has a plumelike appendage over each eye.
(b) A North American harmless snake ({Heterodon
platyrrhinos}) which has the power of puffing up its
body. Called also hog-nose snake, flathead,
spreading adder, and blowing adder.

Puff bird (Zool.), any bird of the genus Bucco, or family
Bucconid[ae]. They are small birds, usually with
dull-colored and loose plumage, and have twelve tail
feathers. See Barbet
(b) .
[1913 Webster]
Platyrhini \Plat`y*rhi"ni\, n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. ? broad + ?, ?,
nose.] (Zool.)
A division of monkeys, including the American species, which
have a broad nasal septum, thirty-six teeth, and usually a
prehensile tail. See Monkey. [Written also Platyrrhini.]
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: of or related to New World monkeys having nostrils far
apart or to people with broad noses [syn: platyrrhine,
platyrrhinian, platyrhine, platyrhinian,
platyrrhinic, broadnosed] [ant: catarrhine,
catarrhinian, leptorhine, leptorrhine,
leptorrhinian, leptorrhinic]
n 1: hairy-faced arboreal monkeys having widely separated
nostrils and long usually prehensile tails [syn: {New World
monkey}, platyrrhine, platyrrhinian]
n 1: New World monkeys: capuchin; douroucouli; howler monkey;
saki; spider monkey; squirrel monkey; titi; uakari; woolly
monkey; marmoset; tamarin [syn: Platyrrhini, {superfamily
adj 1: of or related to New World monkeys having nostrils far
apart or to people with broad noses [syn: platyrrhine,
platyrrhinian, platyrhine, platyrhinian,
platyrrhinic, broadnosed] [ant: catarrhine,
catarrhinian, leptorhine, leptorrhine,
leptorrhinian, leptorrhinic]
n 1: hairy-faced arboreal monkeys having widely separated
nostrils and long usually prehensile tails [syn: {New World
monkey}, platyrrhine, platyrrhinian]
adj 1: of or related to New World monkeys having nostrils far
apart or to people with broad noses [syn: platyrrhine,
platyrrhinian, platyrhine, platyrhinian,
platyrrhinic, broadnosed] [ant: catarrhine,
catarrhinian, leptorhine, leptorrhine,
leptorrhinian, leptorrhinic]
superfamily platyrrhini
superfamily Platyrrhini
n 1: New World monkeys: capuchin; douroucouli; howler monkey;
saki; spider monkey; squirrel monkey; titi; uakari; woolly
monkey; marmoset; tamarin [syn: Platyrrhini, {superfamily
tyrrhenian sea
Tyrrhenian Sea
n 1: an arm of the Mediterranean between Italy and the islands
of Corsica and Sardinia and Sicily

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