slovo | definícia |
upas antiar (gcide) | Upas \U"pas\ ([=u]"p[.a]s), n. [Malay p[=u]hn-[=u]pas; p[=u]hn a
tree + [=u]pas poison.]
[1913 Webster]
1. (Bot.) A tree (Antiaris toxicaria) of the Breadfruit
family, common in the forests of Java and the neighboring
islands. Its secretions are poisonous, and it has been
fabulously reported that the atmosphere about it is
deleterious. Called also bohun upas.
[1913 Webster]
[1913 Webster]
2. A virulent poison used in Java and the adjacent islands
for poisoning arrows. One kind, upas antiar, is derived
from the upas tree (Antiaris toxicaria). Upas tieute
is prepared from a climbing plant (Strychnos Tieute).
[1913 Webster] |
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