Upupa epops
Hoopoe \Hoop"oe\, Hoopoo \Hoop"oo\, n. [So called from its cry;
cf. L. upupa, Gr. ?, D. hop, F. huppe; cf. also G.
wiedenhopf, OHG. wituhopfo, lit., wood hopper.] (Zool.)
A European bird of the genus Upupa (Upupa epops), having
a beautiful crest, which it can erect or depress at pleasure,
and a slender down-curving bill. Called also hoop, whoop.
The name is also applied to several other species of the same
genus and allied genera.
upupa epops
Upupa epops
n 1: pinkish-brown hoopoe with black-and-white wings [syn:
Euopean hoopoe, Upupa epops]
podobné slovodefinícia
Upupa epops
Hoopoe \Hoop"oe\, Hoopoo \Hoop"oo\, n. [So called from its cry;
cf. L. upupa, Gr. ?, D. hop, F. huppe; cf. also G.
wiedenhopf, OHG. wituhopfo, lit., wood hopper.] (Zool.)
A European bird of the genus Upupa (Upupa epops), having
a beautiful crest, which it can erect or depress at pleasure,
and a slender down-curving bill. Called also hoop, whoop.
The name is also applied to several other species of the same
genus and allied genera.

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