n 1: antibacterial agent (trade names Mandelamine and Urex) that
is contained in many products that are used to treat
urinary infections [syn: methenamine, Mandelamine,
podobné slovodefinícia
lurex,lurex n: druh látky Zdeněk Brož
lurex,lurexn: druh látky Zdeněk Brož
Murex \Mu"rex\, prop. n.; pl. Murices. [L., the purple fish.]
A genus of marine gastropods, having rough, and frequently
spinose, shells, which are often highly colored inside; the
rock shells. They abound in tropical seas.
[1913 Webster]
Murex erinaceus
Sting \Sting\, n. [AS. sting a sting. See Sting, v. t.]
1. (Zool.) Any sharp organ of offense and defense, especially
when connected with a poison gland, and adapted to inflict
a wound by piercing; as the caudal sting of a scorpion.
The sting of a bee or wasp is a modified ovipositor. The
caudal sting, or spine, of a sting ray is a modified
dorsal fin ray. The term is sometimes applied to the fang
of a serpent. See Illust. of Scorpion.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) A sharp-pointed hollow hair seated on a gland which
secrets an acrid fluid, as in nettles. The points of these
hairs usually break off in the wound, and the acrid fluid
is pressed into it.
[1913 Webster]

3. Anything that gives acute pain, bodily or mental; as, the
stings of remorse; the stings of reproach.
[1913 Webster]

The sting of death is sin. --1 Cor. xv.
[1913 Webster]

4. The thrust of a sting into the flesh; the act of stinging;
a wound inflicted by stinging. "The lurking serpent's
mortal sting." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

5. A goad; incitement. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

6. The point of an epigram or other sarcastic saying.
[1913 Webster]

Sting moth (Zool.), an Australian moth ({Doratifera
vulnerans}) whose larva is armed, at each end of the body,
with four tubercles bearing powerful stinging organs.

Sting ray. (Zool.) See under 6th Ray.

Sting winkle (Zool.), a spinose marine univalve shell of
the genus Murex, as the European species ({Murex
erinaceus}). See Illust. of Murex.
[1913 Webster]Winkle \Win"kle\, n. [AS. wincle.] (Zool.)
(a) Any periwinkle. --Holland.
(b) Any one of various marine spiral gastropods, esp., in the
United States, either of two species of Fulgar ({Fulgar
canaliculata}, and Fulgar carica).
[1913 Webster]

Note: These are large mollusks which often destroy large
numbers of oysters by drilling their shells and sucking
their blood.
[1913 Webster]

Sting winkle, a European spinose marine shell ({Murex
erinaceus}). See Illust. of Murex.
[1913 Webster]
Murex tenuispinus
Venus \Ve"nus\ (v[=e]"n[u^]s), n. [L. Venus, -eris, the goddess
of love, the planet Venus.]
1. (Class. Myth.) The goddess of beauty and love, that is,
beauty or love deified.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Anat.) One of the planets, the second in order from the
sun, its orbit lying between that of Mercury and that of
the Earth, at a mean distance from the sun of about
67,000,000 miles. Its diameter is 7,700 miles, and its
sidereal period 224.7 days. As the morning star, it was
called by the ancients Lucifer; as the evening star,
[1913 Webster]

3. (Alchem.) The metal copper; -- probably so designated from
the ancient use of the metal in making mirrors, a mirror
being still the astronomical symbol of the planet Venus.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Zool.) Any one of numerous species of marine bivalve
shells of the genus Venus or family Veneridae. Many of
these shells are large, and ornamented with beautiful
frills; others are smooth, glossy, and handsomely colored.
Some of the larger species, as the round clam, or quahog,
are valued for food.
[1913 Webster]

Venus's basin (Bot.), the wild teasel; -- so called because
the connate leaf bases form a kind of receptacle for
water, which was formerly gathered for use in the toilet.
Also called Venus's bath.

Venus's basket (Zool.), an elegant, cornucopia-shaped,
hexactinellid sponge (Euplectella speciosa) native of
the East Indies. It consists of glassy, transparent,
siliceous fibers interwoven and soldered together so as to
form a firm network, and has long, slender, divergent
anchoring fibers at the base by means of which it stands
erect in the soft mud at the bottom of the sea. Called
also Venus's flower basket, and Venus's purse.

Venus's comb.
(a) (Bot.) Same as Lady's comb.
(b) (Zool.) A species of Murex (Murex tenuispinus). It
has a long, tubular canal, with a row of long, slender
spines along both of its borders, and rows of similar
spines covering the body of the shell. Called also
Venus's shell.

Venus's fan (Zool.), a common reticulated, fanshaped
gorgonia (Gorgonia flabellum) native of Florida and the
West Indies. When fresh the color is purple or yellow, or
a mixture of the two.

Venus's flytrap. (Bot.) See Flytrap, 2.

Venus's girdle (Zool.), a long, flat, ribbonlike, very
delicate, transparent and iridescent ctenophore ({Cestum
Veneris}) which swims in the open sea. Its form is due to
the enormous development of two spheromeres. See Illust.
in Appendix.

Venus's hair (Bot.), a delicate and graceful fern
(Adiantum Capillus-Veneris) having a slender, black and
shining stem and branches.

Venus's hair stone (Min.), quartz penetrated by acicular
crystals of rutile.

Venus's looking-glass (Bot.), an annual plant of the genus
Specularia allied to the bellflower; -- also called
lady's looking-glass.

Venus's navelwort (Bot.), any one of several species of
Omphalodes, low boraginaceous herbs with small blue or
white flowers.

Venus's pride (Bot.), an old name for Quaker ladies. See
under Quaker.

Venus's purse. (Zool.) Same as Venus's basket, above.

Venus's shell. (Zool.)
(a) Any species of Cypraea; a cowrie.
(b) Same as Venus's comb, above.
(c) Same as Venus, 4.

Venus's slipper.
(a) (Bot.) Any plant of the genus Cypripedium. See
Lady's slipper.
(b) (Zool.) Any heteropod shell of the genus Carinaria.
See Carinaria.
[1913 Webster]
[1913 Webster]
Murexan \Mu*rex"an\, n. [From Murexide.] (Chem.)
A complex nitrogenous substance obtained from murexide,
alloxantin, and other ureids, as a white, or yellowish,
crystalline which turns red on exposure to the air; -- called
also uramil, dialuramide, and formerly purpuric acid.
[1913 Webster]
Murexide \Mu*rex"ide\, n. [L. murex the purple fish, purple.]
A crystalline nitrogenous substance (C8H8N6O6,
5-5'-nitrilodibarbituric acid monoammonium salt) having a
splendid dichroism, being green by reflected light and
garnet-red by transmitted light. It was formerly used in
dyeing calico, and was obtained in a large quantities from
guano. It is now synthesized from alloxan. Formerly called
also ammonium purpurate.
[1913 Webster +PJC]
Murexoin \Mu*rex"o*["i]n\, n. (Chem.)
A complex nitrogenous compound obtained as a scarlet
crystalline substance, and regarded as related to murexide.
[1913 Webster]

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