Vancouver,Vancouver [jmén.] [zem.] město - Kanada, město - Spojené státy
americké Martin Ligač
Vancouver,Vancouver[jmén.] [zem.] město - Kanada, město - Spojené státy
americké Martin Ligač
n 1: English navigator remembered for his exploration of the
Pacific coast of North America (1757-1798) [syn:
Vancouver, George Vancouver]
2: a town in southwestern Washington on the Columbia River
across from Portland, Oregon
3: a port city in southwestern British Columbia on an arm of the
Pacific Ocean opposite Vancouver Island; Canada's chief
Pacific port and third largest city
podobné slovodefinícia
george vancouver
George Vancouver
n 1: English navigator remembered for his exploration of the
Pacific coast of North America (1757-1798) [syn:
Vancouver, George Vancouver]
vancouver island
Vancouver Island
n 1: an island off southwestern Canada (off the southwestern
coast of British Columbia); the largest island off the west
coast of North America

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