Vedanta \Ve*dan"ta\, n. [Skr. V[=e]danta.]
A system of philosophy among the Hindus, founded on scattered
texts of the Vedas, and thence termed the "Anta," or end or
substance. --Balfour (Cyc. of India.)
[1913 Webster]
n 1: (from the Sanskrit for `end of the Veda') one of six
orthodox philosophical systems or viewpoints rooted in the
Upanishads as opposed to Mimamsa which relies on the Vedas
and Brahmanas
podobné slovodefinícia
Vedanta \Ve*dan"ta\, n. [Skr. V[=e]danta.]
A system of philosophy among the Hindus, founded on scattered
texts of the Vedas, and thence termed the "Anta," or end or
substance. --Balfour (Cyc. of India.)
[1913 Webster]

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