virginia cowslip
Virginia cowslip,
Virginia cowslip
Virginia \Vir*gin"i*a\, n.
One of the States of the United States of America. -- a. Of
or pertaining to the State of Virginia.
[1913 Webster]

Virginia cowslip (Bot.), the American lungwort ({Mertensia

Virginia creeper (Bot.), a common ornamental North American
woody vine (Ampelopsis quinquefolia), climbing
extensively by means of tendrils; -- called also
woodbine, and American ivy. [U. S.]

Virginia fence. See Worm fence, under Fence.

Virginia nightingale (Zool.), the cardinal bird. See under

Virginia quail (Zool.), the bobwhite.

Virginia reel, an old English contradance; -- so called in
the United States. --Bartlett.

Virginia stock. (Bot.) See Mahon stock.
[1913 Webster]
virginia cowslip
Virginia cowslip
n 1: smooth erect herb of eastern North America having entire
leaves and showy blue flowers that are pink in bud [syn:
Virginia bluebell, Virginia cowslip, {Mertensia
podobné slovodefinícia
Virginia cowslip
Virginia \Vir*gin"i*a\, n.
One of the States of the United States of America. -- a. Of
or pertaining to the State of Virginia.
[1913 Webster]

Virginia cowslip (Bot.), the American lungwort ({Mertensia

Virginia creeper (Bot.), a common ornamental North American
woody vine (Ampelopsis quinquefolia), climbing
extensively by means of tendrils; -- called also
woodbine, and American ivy. [U. S.]

Virginia fence. See Worm fence, under Fence.

Virginia nightingale (Zool.), the cardinal bird. See under

Virginia quail (Zool.), the bobwhite.

Virginia reel, an old English contradance; -- so called in
the United States. --Bartlett.

Virginia stock. (Bot.) See Mahon stock.
[1913 Webster]

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