slovo | definícia |
visible speech (encz) | visible speech, n: |
Visible speech (gcide) | Visible speech \Vis"i*ble speech"\ (Phon.)
A system of characters invented by Prof. Alexander Melville
Bell to represent all sounds that may be uttered by the
speech organs, and intended to be suggestive of the position
of the organs of speech in uttering them.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.] |
visible speech (wn) | visible speech
n 1: a phonetic alphabet invented by Melville Bell in the 19th
2: spectrogram of speech; speech displayed spectrographically |
| podobné slovo | definícia |
Visible speech (gcide) | Visible speech \Vis"i*ble speech"\ (Phon.)
A system of characters invented by Prof. Alexander Melville
Bell to represent all sounds that may be uttered by the
speech organs, and intended to be suggestive of the position
of the organs of speech in uttering them.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.] |
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