vitamin k
vitamin K,vitamín K Zdeněk Brož
vitamin K
vitamin K \vitamin K\ n. (1929) [from G. Koagulationsvitamin.]
either of two fat-soluble vitamins (vitamin K1 or vitamin K2)
that help clot blood by participating in the fromation of

Syn: naphthoquinone.
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
vitamin k
vitamin K
n 1: a fat-soluble vitamin that helps in the clotting of blood
[syn: vitamin K, naphthoquinone, {antihemorrhagic
podobné slovodefinícia
vitamin k1
vitamin K1, n:
vitamin k3
vitamin K3, n:
vitamin K
vitamin K \vitamin K\ n. (1929) [from G. Koagulationsvitamin.]
either of two fat-soluble vitamins (vitamin K1 or vitamin K2)
that help clot blood by participating in the fromation of

Syn: naphthoquinone.
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
vitamin K1
vitamin K1 \vitamin K1\ n.
one of the two K vitamins, (C31H46O2). It is fat-soluble
and occurs naturally as the trans isomer. Chemically it is

Syn: phylloquinone, phytonadione, antihemorrhagic vitamin..
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC] vitamin K2
vitamin K2
vitamin K2 \vitamin K2\, vitamins K2 \vitamins K2\n.
one of the two K vitamins, actually a mixture of homologous
fat-soluble substituted naphthoquinones (called
menaquinones), (C11H7O2[C5H8]nH), where n may be 1 to 13
but is mostly 7 to 9. The term is also used for synthetic
compounds resembling vitamin K2 and having the same
physiological action. The individual components of vitamin K2
are also referred to by the number of isoprenyl units in the
side chain (the number n in the formula), as for menadione,
having no units at that position of the naphthaquinone ring,
and also called vitamin K2(0) (and also called vitamin K3).

Syn: menaquinones, antihemorrhagic vitamin..
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
vitamin K3
vitamin K3 \vitamin K3\ n.
menadione, (C11H8O2) being chemically
2-methyl-1,4,-naphthoquinone. Having no side chain in the 3
position, it cannot exert all functions of a true K vitamin
and the designation as vitamin K3 has been discouraged

Syn: vitaminK2(0); menaphthone.
[WordNet 1.5]
vitamin k1
vitamin K1
n 1: a form of vitamin K [syn: vitamin K1, phylloquinone,
vitamin k3
vitamin K3
n 1: a form of vitamin K [syn: vitamin K3, menadione]

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