weak typing
weak typing
weakly typed

Strict enforcement of type rules but with
well-defined exceptions or an explicit type-violation

Weak typing is "friendlier" to the programmer than {strong
typing}, but catches fewer errors at compile time.

C and C++ are weakly typed, as they automatically coerce
many types e.g. ints and floats. E.g.

int a = 5;
float b = a;

They also allow ignore typedefs for the purposes of type
comparison; for example the following is allowed, which would
probably be disallowed in a strongly typed language:

typedef int Date; /* Type to represent a date */
Date a = 12345;
int b = a; /* What does the coder intend? */

C++ is stricter than C in its handling of enumerated types:

enum animal CAT=0,DOG=2,ANT=3;
enum animal a = CAT; /* NB The enum is optional in C++ */
enum animal b = 1; /* This is a warning or error in C++ */

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