xanthic acid
xanthic acid,kyselina xantogenová n: [chem.] mamm
Xanthic acid
Xanthic \Xan"thic\, a. [Gr. xanqo`s yellow: cf. F. xanthique.]
[1913 Webster]
1. Tending toward a yellow color, or to one of those colors,
green being excepted, in which yellow is a constituent, as
scarlet, orange, etc.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Chem.)
(a) Possessing, imparting, or producing a yellow color;
as, xanthic acid.
(b) Of or pertaining to xanthic acid, or its compounds;
(c) Of or pertaining to xanthin.
[1913 Webster]

Xanthic acid (Chem.), a heavy, astringent, colorless oil,
C2H5O.CS.SH, having a pungent odor. It is produced by
leading carbon disulphide into a hot alcoholic solution of
potassium hydroxide. So called from the yellow color of
many of its salts. Called also xanthogenic acid.

Xanthic colors (Bot.), those colors (of flowers) having
some tinge of yellow; -- opposed to cyanic colors. See
under Cyanic.
[1913 Webster]
xanthic acid
xanthic acid
n 1: any of a class of unstable organic acids containing sulphur
podobné slovodefinícia
Euxanthic acid
Euxanthic \Eux*an"thic\a. (Chem.)
Having a yellow color; pertaining to, derived from, or
resembling, euxanthin.
[1913 Webster]

Euxanthic acid (Chem.), a yellow, crystalline, organic
acid, extracted from euxanthin.
[1913 Webster]
Xanthic acid
Xanthic \Xan"thic\, a. [Gr. xanqo`s yellow: cf. F. xanthique.]
[1913 Webster]
1. Tending toward a yellow color, or to one of those colors,
green being excepted, in which yellow is a constituent, as
scarlet, orange, etc.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Chem.)
(a) Possessing, imparting, or producing a yellow color;
as, xanthic acid.
(b) Of or pertaining to xanthic acid, or its compounds;
(c) Of or pertaining to xanthin.
[1913 Webster]

Xanthic acid (Chem.), a heavy, astringent, colorless oil,
C2H5O.CS.SH, having a pungent odor. It is produced by
leading carbon disulphide into a hot alcoholic solution of
potassium hydroxide. So called from the yellow color of
many of its salts. Called also xanthogenic acid.

Xanthic colors (Bot.), those colors (of flowers) having
some tinge of yellow; -- opposed to cyanic colors. See
under Cyanic.
[1913 Webster]

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