Limuloidea \Lim`u*loi"de*a\ (l[i^]m`[-u]*loi"d[-e]*[.a]), n. pl.
[NL. See Limulus, and -oid.] (Zool.)
An order of Merostomata, including among living animals the
genus Limulus, with various allied fossil genera, mostly of
the Carboniferous period. Called also {Xiphosura}.
[1913 Webster]

Note: There are six pairs of leglike organs, surrounding the
mouth, most of which terminate in claws; those of the
first pair (probably mandibles) are the smallest; the
others have the basal joints thickened and spinose, to
serve as jaws, while the terminal joints serve as legs.
This group is intermediate, in some characteristics,
between crustaceans and certain arachnids (scorpions),
but the respiration is by means of lamellate gills
borne upon the five posterior abdominal appendages,
which are flat and united in pairs by their inner
edges, and are protected by the lidlike anterior pair,
which also bear the genital orifices.
[1913 Webster]
Xiphosura \Xiph`o*su"ra\, n. pl.
See Xiphura.
[1913 Webster]
Xiphura \Xi*phu"ra\, n. pl. [NL., from Gr. xi`fos sword + o'yra`
tail.] (Zool.)
Same as Limuloidea. Called also Xiphosura.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: horseshoe crabs and extinct forms [syn: Xiphosura, {order
podobné slovodefinícia
order xiphosura
order Xiphosura, n:
Limuloidea \Lim`u*loi"de*a\ (l[i^]m`[-u]*loi"d[-e]*[.a]), n. pl.
[NL. See Limulus, and -oid.] (Zool.)
An order of Merostomata, including among living animals the
genus Limulus, with various allied fossil genera, mostly of
the Carboniferous period. Called also {Xiphosura}.
[1913 Webster]

Note: There are six pairs of leglike organs, surrounding the
mouth, most of which terminate in claws; those of the
first pair (probably mandibles) are the smallest; the
others have the basal joints thickened and spinose, to
serve as jaws, while the terminal joints serve as legs.
This group is intermediate, in some characteristics,
between crustaceans and certain arachnids (scorpions),
but the respiration is by means of lamellate gills
borne upon the five posterior abdominal appendages,
which are flat and united in pairs by their inner
edges, and are protected by the lidlike anterior pair,
which also bear the genital orifices.
[1913 Webster]Xiphosura \Xiph`o*su"ra\, n. pl.
See Xiphura.
[1913 Webster]Xiphura \Xi*phu"ra\, n. pl. [NL., from Gr. xi`fos sword + o'yra`
tail.] (Zool.)
Same as Limuloidea. Called also Xiphosura.
[1913 Webster]
order xiphosura
order Xiphosura
n 1: horseshoe crabs and extinct forms [syn: Xiphosura, {order

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