slovo | definícia |
xnf (foldoc) | Xilinx Netlist Format
(XNF) A {Hardware Description
Language} for electronic circuit design, developed by {Xilinx,
Xilinx-developed tools use XNF and handle the details of the
FPGA architecture. Converters are available for a number of
widely-used HDLs - for example Verilog (xnf2ver) - so
that designers can use familiar tools to develop Logic Cell
Array designs. In addition, XNF can be converted to the input
language of different logic simulators.
| podobné slovo | definícia |
xnf2ver (foldoc) | xnf2ver
An XNF to Verilog translator by Martin J. Colley
This program was written by a postgraduate student as part of
his M.Sc course. It was designed to form part a larger system
operating with the Cadence Edge 2.1 framework. This should be
born in mind when considering the construction and/or
operation of the program.
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