Zapus Hudsonius
Jumping \Jump"ing\, p. a. & vb. n.
of Jump, to leap.
[1913 Webster]

Jumping bean, a seed of a Mexican Euphorbia, containing
the larva of a moth (Carpocapsa saltitans). The larva by
its sudden movements causes the seed to roll to roll and
jump about.

Jumping deer (Zool.), a South African rodent ({Pedetes
Caffer}), allied to the jerboa.

Jumping louse (Zool.), any of the numerous species of plant
lice belonging to the family Psyllid[ae], several of
which are injurious to fruit trees.

Jumping mouse (Zool.), North American mouse ({Zapus
Hudsonius}), having a long tail and large hind legs. It is
noted for its jumping powers. Called also {kangaroo

Jumping mullet (Zool.), gray mullet.

Jumping shrew (Zool.), any African insectivore of the genus
Macroscelides. They are allied to the shrews, but have
large hind legs adapted for jumping.

Jumping spider (Zool.), spider of the genus Salticus and
other related genera; one of the Saltigrad[ae]; -- so
called because it leaps upon its prey.
[1913 Webster]
zapus hudsonius
Zapus hudsonius
n 1: widely distributed in northeastern and central United
States and Canada [syn: meadow jumping mouse, {Zapus
podobné slovodefinícia
Zapus Hudsonius
Jumping \Jump"ing\, p. a. & vb. n.
of Jump, to leap.
[1913 Webster]

Jumping bean, a seed of a Mexican Euphorbia, containing
the larva of a moth (Carpocapsa saltitans). The larva by
its sudden movements causes the seed to roll to roll and
jump about.

Jumping deer (Zool.), a South African rodent ({Pedetes
Caffer}), allied to the jerboa.

Jumping louse (Zool.), any of the numerous species of plant
lice belonging to the family Psyllid[ae], several of
which are injurious to fruit trees.

Jumping mouse (Zool.), North American mouse ({Zapus
Hudsonius}), having a long tail and large hind legs. It is
noted for its jumping powers. Called also {kangaroo

Jumping mullet (Zool.), gray mullet.

Jumping shrew (Zool.), any African insectivore of the genus
Macroscelides. They are allied to the shrews, but have
large hind legs adapted for jumping.

Jumping spider (Zool.), spider of the genus Salticus and
other related genera; one of the Saltigrad[ae]; -- so
called because it leaps upon its prey.
[1913 Webster]

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