zoophyte,zoofyt n: [bot.] bezobratlý živočich podobný rostlině PetrV
Zoophyte \Zo"o*phyte\, n. [F. zoophyte, Gr. ?; zw^,on an animal
+ ? plant, akin to ? to be born, to be. See Zodiac, and
Be, v. i.] (Zool.)
(a) Any one of numerous species of invertebrate animals which
more or less resemble plants in appearance, or mode of
growth, as the corals, gorgonians, sea anemones,
hydroids, bryozoans, sponges, etc., especially any of
those that form compound colonies having a branched or
treelike form, as many corals and hydroids.
(b) Any one of the Zoophyta.
[1913 Webster] Zoophytic
n 1: any of various invertebrate animals resembling a plant such
as a sea anemone or coral or sponge
podobné slovodefinícia
Zoophyte \Zo"o*phyte\, n. [F. zoophyte, Gr. ?; zw^,on an animal
+ ? plant, akin to ? to be born, to be. See Zodiac, and
Be, v. i.] (Zool.)
(a) Any one of numerous species of invertebrate animals which
more or less resemble plants in appearance, or mode of
growth, as the corals, gorgonians, sea anemones,
hydroids, bryozoans, sponges, etc., especially any of
those that form compound colonies having a branched or
treelike form, as many corals and hydroids.
(b) Any one of the Zoophyta.
[1913 Webster] Zoophytic

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