- pravdivostná hodnota, logická hodnota
boolean,booleovský adj: Zdeněk Brož
boolean,booleův Zdeněk Brož
adj 1: of or relating to a combinatorial system devised by
George Boole that combines propositions with the logical
operators AND and OR and IF THEN and EXCEPT and NOT

1. Boolean algebra.

2. (bool) The type of an expression with two
possible values, "true" and "false". Also, a variable of
Boolean type or a function with Boolean arguments or result.
The most common Boolean functions are AND, OR and NOT.

podobné slovodefinícia
- pravdivostná hodnota, logická hodnota
boolean,booleovský adj: Zdeněk Brožboolean,booleův Zdeněk Brož
adj 1: of or relating to a combinatorial system devised by
George Boole that combines propositions with the logical
operators AND and OR and IF THEN and EXCEPT and NOT
boolean algebra
Boolean algebra
n 1: a system of symbolic logic devised by George Boole; used in
computers [syn: Boolean logic, Boolean algebra]
boolean logic
Boolean logic
n 1: a system of symbolic logic devised by George Boole; used in
computers [syn: Boolean logic, Boolean algebra]
boolean operation
boolean operation
n 1: an operation that follows the rules of Boolean algebra;
each operand and the result take one of two values [syn:
boolean operation, binary operation, {binary arithmetic

1. Boolean algebra.

2. (bool) The type of an expression with two
possible values, "true" and "false". Also, a variable of
Boolean type or a function with Boolean arguments or result.
The most common Boolean functions are AND, OR and NOT.

boolean algebra
Boolean algebra

(After the logician George Boole)

1. Commonly, and especially in computer science and digital
electronics, this term is used to mean two-valued logic.

2. This is in stark contrast with the definition used by pure
mathematicians who in the 1960s introduced "Boolean-valued
models" into logic precisely because a "Boolean-valued
model" is an interpretation of a theory that allows more
than two possible truth values!

Strangely, a Boolean algebra (in the mathematical sense) is
not strictly an algebra, but is in fact a lattice. A
Boolean algebra is sometimes defined as a "complemented
distributive lattice".

Boole's work which inspired the mathematical definition
concerned algebras of sets, involving the operations of
intersection, union and complement on sets. Such algebras
obey the following identities where the operators ^, V, - and
constants 1 and 0 can be thought of either as set
intersection, union, complement, universal, empty; or as
two-valued logic AND, OR, NOT, TRUE, FALSE; or any other
conforming system.

a ^ b = b ^ a a V b = b V a (commutative laws)
(a ^ b) ^ c = a ^ (b ^ c)
(a V b) V c = a V (b V c) (associative laws)
a ^ (b V c) = (a ^ b) V (a ^ c)
a V (b ^ c) = (a V b) ^ (a V c) (distributive laws)
a ^ a = a a V a = a (idempotence laws)
--a = a
-(a ^ b) = (-a) V (-b)
-(a V b) = (-a) ^ (-b) (de Morgan's laws)
a ^ -a = 0 a V -a = 1
a ^ 1 = a a V 0 = a
a ^ 0 = 0 a V 1 = 1
-1 = 0 -0 = 1

There are several common alternative notations for the "-" or
logical complement operator.

If a and b are elements of a Boolean algebra, we define a
boolean logic
Boolean logic

A logic based on Boolean algebra.

boolean search
Boolean search

(Or "Boolean query") A query using the
Boolean operators, AND, OR, and NOT, and parentheses
to construct a complex condition from simpler criteria. A
typical example is searching for combinatons of keywords on a
web search engine.


car or automobile

"New York" and not "New York state"

The term is sometimes stretched to include searches using
other operators, e.g. "near".

Not to be confused with binary search.

See also: weighted search.


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