- účinok, efekt, byť platný, byť účinný, ovplyvniť
effect,efekt Pavel Machek; Giza
effect,majetek n: Zdeněk Brož
effect,následek n: luke
effect,sjednat Zdeněk Brož
effect,smysl n: Zdeněk Brož
effect,účinnost n: Zdeněk Brož
effect,vykonat Zdeněk Brož
effect,výsledek n: Zdeněk Brož
Effect \Ef*fect"\, n. [L. effectus, fr. efficere, effectum, to
effect; ex + facere to make: cf. F. effet, formerly also
spelled effect. See Fact.]
1. Execution; performance; realization; operation; as, the
law goes into effect in May.
[1913 Webster]

That no compunctious visitings of nature
Shake my fell purpose, nor keep peace between
The effect and it. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. Manifestation; expression; sign.
[1913 Webster]

All the large effects
That troop with majesty. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. In general: That which is produced by an agent or cause;
the event which follows immediately from an antecedent,
called the cause; result; consequence; outcome; fruit; as,
the effect of luxury.
[1913 Webster]

The effect is the unfailing index of the amount of
the cause. --Whewell.
[1913 Webster]

4. Impression left on the mind; sensation produced.
[1913 Webster]

Patchwork . . . introduced for oratorical effect.
--J. C.
[1913 Webster]

The effect was heightened by the wild and lonely
nature of the place. --W. Irving.
[1913 Webster]

5. Power to produce results; efficiency; force; importance;
account; as, to speak with effect.
[1913 Webster]

6. Consequence intended; purpose; meaning; general intent; --
with to.
[1913 Webster]

They spake to her to that effect. --2 Chron.
xxxiv. 22.
[1913 Webster]

7. The purport; the sum and substance. "The effect of his
intent." --Chaucer.

8. Reality; actual meaning; fact, as distinguished from mere
[1913 Webster]

No other in effect than what it seems. --Denham.
[1913 Webster]

9. pl. Goods; movables; personal estate; -- sometimes used to
embrace real as well as personal property; as, the people
escaped from the town with their effects.
[1913 Webster]

For effect, for an exaggerated impression or excitement.

In effect, in fact; in substance. See 8, above.

Of no effect, Of none effect, To no effect, or {Without
effect}, destitute of results, validity, force, and the like;
vain; fruitless. "Making the word of God of none effect
through your tradition." --Mark vii. 13. "All my study be
to no effect." --Shak.

To give effect to, to make valid; to carry out in practice;
to push to its results.

To take effect, to become operative, to accomplish aims.

Syn: Effect, Consequence, Result.

Usage: These words indicate things which arise out of some
antecedent, or follow as a consequent. Effect, which
may be regarded as the generic term, denotes that
which springs directly from something which can
properly be termed a cause. A consequence is more
remote, not being strictly caused, nor yet a mere
sequence, but following out of and following
indirectly, or in the train of events, something on
which it truly depends. A result is still more remote
and variable, like the rebound of an elastic body
which falls in very different directions. We may
foresee the effects of a measure, may conjecture its
consequences, but can rarely discover its final
[1913 Webster]

Resolving all events, with their effects
And manifold results, into the will
And arbitration wise of the Supreme. --Cowper.
[1913 Webster]

Shun the bitter consequence, for know,
The day thou eatest thereof, . . . thou shalt
die. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]
Effect \Ef*fect"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Effected; p. pr. & vb.
n. Effecting.]
1. To produce, as a cause or agent; to cause to be.
[1913 Webster]

So great a body such exploits to effect. --Daniel.
[1913 Webster]

2. To bring to pass; to execute; to enforce; to achieve; to
[1913 Webster]

To effect that which the divine counsels had
decreed. --Bp. Hurd.
[1913 Webster]

They sailed away without effecting their purpose.
--Jowett (Th.

Syn: To accomplish; fulfill; achieve; complete; execute;
perform; attain. See Accomplish.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous
phenomenon; "the magnetic effect was greater when the rod
was lengthwise"; "his decision had depressing consequences
for business"; "he acted very wise after the event" [syn:
consequence, effect, outcome, result, event,
issue, upshot]
2: an outward appearance; "he made a good impression"; "I wanted
to create an impression of success"; "she retained that bold
effect in her reproductions of the original painting" [syn:
impression, effect]
3: an impression (especially one that is artificial or
contrived); "he just did it for effect"
4: the central meaning or theme of a speech or literary work
[syn: effect, essence, burden, core, gist]
5: (of a law) having legal validity; "the law is still in
effect" [syn: effect, force]
6: a symptom caused by an illness or a drug; "the effects of
sleep loss"; "the effect of the anesthetic"
v 1: produce; "The scientists set up a shock wave" [syn:
effect, effectuate, set up]
2: act so as to bring into existence; "effect a change"
EFFECT, n. The second of two phenomena which always occur together in
the same order. The first, called a Cause, is said to generate the
other -- which is no more sensible than it would be for one who has
never seen a dog except in the pursuit of a rabbit to declare the
rabbit the cause of a dog.
EFFECT. The operation of a law, of an agreement, or an act, is called its
2. By the laws of the United States, a patent cannot be granted for an
effect only, but it may be for a new mode or application of machinery to
produce effects. 1 Gallis. 478; see 4 Mason, 1; Pet. C. C. R. 394; 2 N. H.
R. 61.

podobné slovodefinícia
- dôsledok
- účinok, efekt, byť platný, byť účinný, ovplyvniť
- pôsobivý, efektný, efektívny, účinný
- efektivita, efektívnosť, účinnosť
- účinnosť
- účinnosť
- uskutočniť
- prevedenie
have an effect
have an effect
- pôsobiť, spôsobiť
advection effect
advection effect,advekční jev [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
after-effect,dodatečný Pavel Cvrčekafter-effect,důsledek n: Zdeněk Brožafter-effect,následný efekt Pavel Cvrček
after-effects,následky Zdeněk Brož
aftereffect,důsledek n: Zdeněk Brožaftereffect,po efektu
aftereffects,následky Zdeněk Brož
antagonism of toxic effect
antagonism of toxic effect,antagonismus toxického účinku [eko.] RNDr.
Pavel Piskač
bandwagon effect
bandwagon effect,vliv módní tendence [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
catalytic effect
catalytic effect,
certainty effect
certainty effect,efekt jistoty [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
chronic effect
chronic effect,chronický (pozdní) účinek [eko.] -činek, projevující se
teprve po nějaké době od zahájení expozice, případně po jejím
skončení. RNDr. Pavel Piskač
coattails effect
coattails effect, n:
combined effect
combined effect,kombinovaný účinek [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
convection effect
convection effect,konvekční jev [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
core principles for effective banking supervision
Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision,
cost effective
cost effective,nákladově efektivní [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
cost effectiveness
cost effectiveness,efektivnost nákladů Zdeněk Brož
cost effectiveness analysis
cost effectiveness analysis, optimisation procedure,optimalizační postup
pro stanovení efektivnosti nákladů [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
cost effectiveness analysis.
cost effectiveness analysis.,analýza efektivnosti nákladů [eko.] RNDr.
Pavel Piskač
cost-effective,nákladově-efektivní [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskačcost-effective,rentabilní adj: Zdeněk Brož
cost-effectiveness,nákladová efektivnost [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskačcost-effectiveness,rentabilita n: Zdeněk Brož
cost-effectiveness analysis
cost-effectiveness analysis,analýza efektivnosti nákladů [eko.] RNDr.
Pavel Piskač
cost-effectiveness principle
cost-effectiveness principle,princip efektivnosti nákladů [eko.] RNDr.
Pavel Piskač
cost-effectiveness rule
cost-effectiveness rule,pravidlo nákladové efektivnosti [eko.] RNDr.
Pavel Piskač
critical effect
critical effect,kritický účinek [eko.] První nežádoucí účinek, případně
jeho prekursor, který se vyskytne při zvýšení dávky. RNDr. Pavel Piskač
crowding-in effect
crowding-in effect,
crowding-in effect.
crowding-in effect.,efekt vstupu [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
crowding-out effect
crowding-out effect,efekt nevpuštění dovnitř [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
demonstration effect
demonstration effect,
distributional effect
distributional effect,
distributive effect
distributive effect,
domino effect
domino effect,
doppler effect
Doppler effect,Dopplerův efekt n: [fyz.]
economic effectiveness of pesticide application
economic effectiveness of pesticide application,ekonomická efektivnost
použití pesticidu [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
effect,efekt Pavel Machek; Gizaeffect,majetek n: Zdeněk Brožeffect,následek n: lukeeffect,sjednat Zdeněk Brožeffect,smysl n: Zdeněk Brožeffect,účinek effect,účinnost n: Zdeněk Brožeffect,vykonat Zdeněk Brožeffect,výsledek n: Zdeněk Brož
effected,ovlivněný adj: Zdeněk Brož
effecter, n:
effecting,způsobující adj: Zdeněk Brož
effective,efektivní adj: effective,efektní adj: Zdeněk Brožeffective,faktický adj: Rostislav Svobodaeffective,skutečný adj: Rostislav Svobodaeffective,účinný adj:
effective date
effective date,den nabytí účinnosti Zdeněk Brož
effective democracy
effective democracy,účinná demokracie [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
effective exchange rate
effective exchange rate,
effective irrigation depth
effective irrigation depth,účinná hloubka provlažení [eko.] RNDr. Pavel
effective irrigation requirement
effective irrigation requirement,užitečné závlahové
množství [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
effective rainfall
effective rainfall,efektivní srážky [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
effective rate of protection
effective rate of protection,
effective reservoir capacity
effective reservoir capacity,užitkový prostor nádrže [eko.] RNDr. Pavel
effective yield
effective yield,skutečný výnos Zdeněk Brož
effectively,efektivně adv: effectively,účinně adv:
effectiveness,efektivita n: Zdeněk Brožeffectiveness,efektivnost Zdeněk Brožeffectiveness,účinnost n: luke
effectiveness of pesticide application
effectiveness of pesticide application,efektivnost použití
pesticidů [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
effectivity,účinnost n: Zdeněk Brož
effector,efektor n: Zdeněk Brož

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