Mosasaurus \Mos`a*sau"rus\, n. [NL., fr. L. Mosa the River Meuse
(on which Meastricht is situated) + Gr. ? a lizard.]
A genus of extinct marine reptiles allied to the lizards, but
having the body much elongated, and the limbs in the form of
paddles. The first known species, nearly fifty feet in
length, was discovered in Cretaceous beds near Maestricht, in
the Netherlands. [Written also Mososaurus.]
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
Mosasaurus Hofmanni
Maestricht monitor \Maes"tricht mon"i*tor\ [So called from
Maestricht, a town in Holland.] (Paleon.)
The Mosasaurus Hofmanni. See Mosasaurus.
[1913 Webster]

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