Unix to Unix Copy

(uucp) A Unix utility program and
protocol that allows one Unix system to send files to
another via a serial line which may be a cable going
directly from one machine's serial port to another's or may
involve a modem at each end of a telephone line.

Software is also available to allow uucp to work over
Ethernet though there are better alternatives in this case,
e.g. FTP or rcp for file transfer, SMTP for {electronic
mail} or NNTP for news.

The term is now also used to describe the large international
network which uses UUCP to pass Usenet news and
electronic mail, also known as "UUCPNET".

Unix manual page: uucp(1).

See also cu, uuencode.

Unix to Unix Copy Protocol (Unix)
podobné slovodefinícia
Unix to Unix Copy

(uucp) A Unix utility program and
protocol that allows one Unix system to send files to
another via a serial line which may be a cable going
directly from one machine's serial port to another's or may
involve a modem at each end of a telephone line.

Software is also available to allow uucp to work over
Ethernet though there are better alternatives in this case,
e.g. FTP or rcp for file transfer, SMTP for {electronic
mail} or NNTP for news.

The term is now also used to describe the large international
network which uses UUCP to pass Usenet news and
electronic mail, also known as "UUCPNET".

Unix manual page: uucp(1).

See also cu, uuencode.


The international store and forward network consisting of
all the world's connected Unix machines (and others running
some clone of the UUCP software). Any machine reachable
only via a bang path is on UUCPNET. See network address.

[Jargon File]
Compressed News ReCeive Via UUCP
Unix to Unix Copy Protocol (Unix)

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