algorithms,algoritmy n: pl.
podobné slovodefinícia
dictionary of algorithms and data structures
Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures

(DADS) A dictionary of algorithms, algorithmic
techniques, data structures, archetypal problems and related
definitions started by Paul Black in 1998.


genetic algorithms
genetic algorithm
genetic algorithms

(GA) An evolutionary algorithm which generates each
individual from some encoded form known as a "chromosome" or
"genome". Chromosomes are combined or mutated to breed new
individuals. "Crossover", the kind of recombination of
chromosomes found in sexual reproduction in nature, is often
also used in GAs. Here, an offspring's chromosome is created
by joining segments choosen alternately from each of two
parents' chromosomes which are of fixed length.

GAs are useful for multidimensional optimisation problems in
which the chromosome can encode the values for the different
variables being optimised.

{Illinois Genetic Algorithms Laboratory
(http://GAL4.GE.UIUC.EDU/illigal.home.html)} (IlliGAL).

library of efficient data types and algorithms
Library of Efficient Data types and Algorithms

(LEDA) A class library for C++ of efficient data
types (e.g. graph classes) and algorithms by Stefan
N"aher of the {University of
Saarbruecken}. Version 3.0 includes both template and
non-template versions.



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