- aplet
n 1: a Java application; an application program that uses the
client's web browser to provide a user interface

A Java program which can be distributed as
an attachment in a web document and executed by a
Java-enabled web browser such as Sun's HotJava,
Netscape Navigator version 2.0, or Internet Explorer.

Navigator severely restricts the applet's file system and
network access in order to prevent accidental or deliberate
security violations. Full Java applications, which run
outside of the browser, do not have these restrictions.

Web browsers can also be extended with plug-ins though these
differ from applets in that they usually require manual
installation and are platform-specific. Various other
languages can now be embedded within HTML documents, the
most common being JavaScript.

Despite Java's aim to be a "write once, run anywhere"
language, the difficulty of accomodating the variety of
browsers in use on the Internet has led many to abandon
client-side processing in favour of server-side Java
programs for which the term servlet was coined.

Merriam Webster "Collegiate Edition" gives a 1990 definition:
a short application program especially for performing a simple
specific task.

podobné slovodefinícia
- jablkový strom
Appleton,Appleton n: [jmén.] příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Appleton,Appletonn: [jmén.] příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
n 1: English physicist remembered for his studies of the
ionosphere (1892-1966) [syn: Appleton, Edward Appleton,
Sir Edward Victor Appleton]
2: a town in eastern Wisconsin
appleton layer
Appleton layer
n 1: the highest region of the ionosphere (from 90 to 600 miles
up) which contains the highest concentration of free
electrons and is most useful for long-range radio
transmission [syn: Appleton layer, F layer, F region]
edward appleton
Edward Appleton
n 1: English physicist remembered for his studies of the
ionosphere (1892-1966) [syn: Appleton, Edward Appleton,
Sir Edward Victor Appleton]
sir edward victor appleton
Sir Edward Victor Appleton
n 1: English physicist remembered for his studies of the
ionosphere (1892-1966) [syn: Appleton, Edward Appleton,
Sir Edward Victor Appleton]

A proprietary local area network
protocol developed by Apple Computer, Inc. for
communication between Apple products (e.g. Macintosh) and
other computers. This protocol is independent of the {network
layer} on which it runs. Current implementations exist for
Localtalk, a 235 kilobyte per second local area network and
Ethertalk, a 10 megabyte per second local area network.

appletalk data stream protocol
AppleTalk Data Stream Protocol

(ADSP) A protocol which provides a simple
transport method for data accross a network.

appletalk filing protocol
AppleTalk Filing Protocol

(AFP) A client/server protocol used in
AppleTalk communications networks. In order for non-Apple
networks to access data in an AppleShare server, their
protocols must translate into the AFP language.

See also: Columbia AppleTalk Package.


A simplified web browser used for
testing applets. You can't browse HTML with it but you
can run applets to test them before embedding them in a {web

columbia appletalk package
Columbia AppleTalk Package

(CAP) An implementation of Apple Computer's
AppleTalk protocols for Unix 4.2BSD and its
derivatives, from Columbia University. There are two
different LAP delivery mechanisms for: IPTalk and
Ethertalk (possibly using UAB).

CAP supports the following AppleTalk protocols: {AppleTalk
Transaction Protocol} (ATP), Name Binding Protocol (NBP),
Printer Access Protocol (PAP), AppleTalk Session Protocol
(ASP), AppleTalk Filing Protocol (AFP) client side. In
addition, the Datagram Delivery Protocol (DDP) and {Zone
Information Protocol} (ZIP) are partially available. The
structure of the Internet Appletalk Bridge software makes it
impossible to provide full DDP service. Only the Get Zone
List ATP ZIP command is implemented for ZIP.


A badly written or profoundly useless
Java applet. "I just wasted 30 minutes downloading this
stinkin' crapplet!"


[portmanteau, crap + applet] A worthless applet, esp. a Java widget
attached to a web page that doesn't work or even crashes your browser. Also
spelled ‘craplet’.

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na vytvorenie tejto webstránky bol pužitý dictd server s dátami z a z iných voľne dostupných dictd databáz. Ak máte klienta na dictd protokol (napríklad kdict), použite zdroj a port 2628.

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