- vysielanie
broadcasting,vysílání Pavel Machek; Giza
broadcasting \broad"cast`ing\ n.
the medium that disseminates via telecommunications; radio
and television.

Syn: broadcast media.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. taking part in a radio or tv program.
[WordNet 1.5]
n 1: a medium that disseminates via telecommunications [syn:
broadcast medium, broadcasting]
2: taking part in a radio or tv program
podobné slovodefinícia
bbc (british broadcasting corporation)
BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation),britská rozhlasová a televizní
společnost n: [zkr.] Petr Prášek
canadian broadcasting corporation
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation,CBC[zkr.] PetrV
columbia broadcasting system
Columbia Broadcasting System,CBS[zkr.] PetrV
broadcasting company
broadcasting company
n 1: a company that manages tv or radio stations
broadcasting station
broadcasting station
n 1: a station equipped to broadcast radio or television
programs [syn: broadcasting station, broadcast station]
broadcasting studio
broadcasting studio
n 1: a studio where broadcasts originate
british broadcasting corporation
British Broadcasting Corporation

(BBC) The non-commercial UK organisation that
commissions, produces and broadcasts television and radio

The BBC commissioned the "BBC Micro" from Acorn Computers
for use in a television series about using computers. They
also have one of the world's most respected news websites (on
which I work!).

BBC Home (

BBC News (


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