- debugger, ladiaci program
- debugger
- debugger
debugger,debugger n: Zdeněk Brož
debugger,ladící program Zdeněk Brož
debugger,debuggern: Zdeněk Brož
n 1: a program that helps in locating and correcting programming
debugging tool

A tool used by a programmer to monitor
and control a program he is trying to fix. The most important
functions of a debugger are tracing, stepping, breakpoints and

Tracing displays a step-by-step report on what statement the
program is currently executing, allowing the programmer to follow
the flow of control through if statements, loops (loop),
subroutine calls, etc.

Breakpoints and watches both pause execution of the program
and return control to the debugger under certain conditions. A
breakpoint triggers when execution reaches a particular
statement in the program and a watch triggers whenever a
specific variable is modified. Stepping is like a breakpoint on
every statement, often with the option to step "into" or "over" a
subroutine, i.e. continue stepping through the statements of the
subroutine or just execute it without pausing and resume stepping
when it returns.

Whenever control returns to the debugger it lets the programmer
ask to see the values of variables, and possibly modify them,
before resuming execution. Some debuggers can be set to
automatically perform some action like display a variable value
and resume.

A debugger can interact with the target program in different ways.
Some debuggers require the program to be loaded into the debugger
which may then modify or "instrument" the program for debugging.
Others can "attach" to a program that is already running. Some
are built into the normal program execution environment (e.g. an
interpreter) and can be set to run under certain conditions,
e.g. errors.

Early debuggers such as Unix's adb only knew about the
compiled executable code so sometimes debugging had to be done at
the level of machine code instructions and numerical memory
locations. If you were lucky, the debugger could access the
program's symbol table and display the original names of
subroutines and variables. Sometimes this required the program to
be "compiled for debugging". Since compiling every program for
debugging would add significantly to the size of a distribution
of a whole operating system, it is common for programs to be
distributed without debugging support but for individual programs
to be made available with it.

A major advance in debuggers was source-level debugging. This
gives the programmer a view of their source code annotated with
breakpoints and a pointer to the statement currently being
executed. Such a view is commonly part of an {integrated
development environment} like Visual Basic.

podobné slovodefinícia
debuggers,ladící programy Zdeněk Brož
portable scheme debugger
Portable Scheme Debugger

(PSD) A package for source code debugging of R4RS-compliant
Scheme under GNU Emacs by Kellom ?ki Pertti
. Version 1.1. Distributed under GNU GPL.
It works with scm, Elk and Scheme->C.


rotary debugger
rotary debugger

(Commodore) Essential equipment for those late-night or
early-morning debugging sessions. Mainly used as sustenance
for the hacker. Comes in many decorator colours, such as
Sausage, Pepperoni, and Garbage.

source-level debugger
source-level debugger

A debugger that shows the programmer the
line or expression in the source code that resulted in a
particular machine code instruction of a running program
loaded in memory. This helps the programmer to analyse a
program's behaviour in the high-level terms like source-level
flow control constructs, procedure calls, named
variables, etc instead of machine instructions and memory
locations. Source-level debugging also makes it possible to
step through execution a line at a time and set source-level

In order to support source-level debugging, the program must
be compiled with this option enabled so that extra information
is included in the executable code to identify the
corresponding positions in the source code.

A symbolic debugger is one level lower - it displays symbols
(procedure and variable names) stored in the executable but
not individual source code lines.

GDB is a widely used example of a source-level debugger.

turbo debugger
Turbo Debugger

A source-level debugger designed for use with
Borland and other compilers.


universal debugger
Universal Debugger

(udb) KSR's interactive {source level
debugger} for serial and parallel programs written in KSR,
Fortran, KSR C and KSR1 assembly language.

Udb is a source level debugger for testing and debugging
serial and parallel programs; it is compatible with GDB and
dbx. The user can direct udb either by typing commands or
graphically through an X-based window interface; the latter
provides simultaneous display of source code, I/O and
instructions. For parallel programs, operations can be
carried out per-thread.


rotary debugger
rotary debugger

[Commodore] Essential equipment for those late-night or early-morning
debugging sessions. Mainly used as sustenance for the hacker. Comes in many
decorator colors, such as Sausage, Pepperoni, and Garbage. See {ANSI
standard pizza}.

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