- nezávislý
freelance,nezávislý adj: Zdeněk Brož
Freelance \Free"lance`\ (fr[=e]"l[a^]ns`), n.
1. a person who acts independently or without authorization
of an organization or of his superiors.

2. a person who pursues a profession independently, and not
as the employee of an organization; -- used especially of
writers or photographers who sell their work to
organizations of which they are not employees.
Freelance \Free"lance`\ (fr[=e]"l[a^]ns`), a.
of or pertaining to a freelance[2]; as, a freelance
free-lance \free-lance\ v. i.
to work on a free-lance basis; to work as a freelancer.

Syn: freelance.
[WordNet 1.5] freelancer
adj 1: working for yourself [syn: freelance, free-lance,
self-employed] [ant: salaried]
2: serving for wages in a foreign army; "mercenary killers"
[syn: mercenary(a), free-lance(a), freelance(a)]
n 1: a writer or artist who sells services to different
employers without a long-term contract with any of them
[syn: freelancer, freelance, free-lance, {free
lance}, independent, self-employed person]
v 1: work independently and on temporary contracts rather than
for a long-term employer
podobné slovodefinícia
freelancer,nezávislý pracovník n: Stinky
Freelance \Free"lance`\ (fr[=e]"l[a^]ns`), n.
1. a person who acts independently or without authorization
of an organization or of his superiors.

2. a person who pursues a profession independently, and not
as the employee of an organization; -- used especially of
writers or photographers who sell their work to
organizations of which they are not employees.
[PJC]Freelance \Free"lance`\ (fr[=e]"l[a^]ns`), a.
of or pertaining to a freelance[2]; as, a freelance
[PJC]free-lance \free-lance\ v. i.
to work on a free-lance basis; to work as a freelancer.

Syn: freelance.
[WordNet 1.5] freelancer
Freelance \Free"lance`\ (fr[=e]"l[a^]ns`), n.
1. a person who acts independently or without authorization
of an organization or of his superiors.

2. a person who pursues a profession independently, and not
as the employee of an organization; -- used especially of
writers or photographers who sell their work to
organizations of which they are not employees.
[PJC]Freelance \Free"lance`\ (fr[=e]"l[a^]ns`), a.
of or pertaining to a freelance[2]; as, a freelance
[PJC]free-lance \free-lance\ v. i.
to work on a free-lance basis; to work as a freelancer.

Syn: freelance.
[WordNet 1.5] freelancer
freelancer \free"lanc`er\, free-lancer
\free"-lanc`er\(fr[=e]"l[a^]ns`[~e]r), n.
a freelance[2], n.
freelancer \free"lanc`er\, free-lancer
\free"-lanc`er\(fr[=e]"l[a^]ns`[~e]r), n.
a freelance[2], n.
n 1: a writer or artist who sells services to different
employers without a long-term contract with any of them
[syn: freelancer, freelance, free-lance, {free
lance}, independent, self-employed person]

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