fuselage,trup letadla n: Zdeněk Brož
fuselage \fu"se*lage\ n. [F. fusel spindle-shaped + -age; fr. L.
fusus spindle.] (A["e]ronautics)
The central, approximately cylindrical portion of an airplane
which carries the passengers, crew, and cargo. It usually
forms the main structural portion of an airplane, and to it
are typically attached the wings, tail, and sometimes the
engines. In single-propeller airplanes, the propeller is
typically fixed at the front of the fuselage, although
variants have been produced with the propeller at the rear.
Some airplanes have no fuselage, properly so called.

Syn: body.
[PJC] Fuse plug
Nacelle \Na*celle"\ (n[.a]*s[e^]l"), n. [F.]
1. A small boat. [Obs.]
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

2. The basket suspended from a balloon; hence, the framework
forming the body of a dirigible balloon, and containing
the machinery, passengers, etc.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

3. A streamlined enclosure on an airplane, as for the engine
or for the cargo or passengers; -- formerly used to refer
to the boatlike, inclosed body of an airplane which is
usually now called the fuselage, and now referring
mostly to the enclosure for the engine.
[Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]
n 1: the central body of an airplane that is designed to
accommodate the crew and passengers (or cargo)
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