- zázemie
hinterland,zázemí Zdeněk Brož
hinterland \hin"ter*land`\, n. [G.; hinter behind + land land.]
a remote and undeveloped area; originally, the land or region
lying behind the coast district. The term is used esp. with
reference to the so-called

doctrine of the hinterland, sometimes advanced, that
occupation of the coast supports a claim to an exclusive
right to occupy, from time to time, the territory lying
inland of the coast.

Syn: backwoods, back country, boondocks.
[Webster 1913 Suppl. + WordNet 1.5]
n 1: a remote and undeveloped area [syn: backwoods, {back
country}, boondocks, hinterland]
podobné slovodefinícia
doctrine of the hinterland
hinterland \hin"ter*land`\, n. [G.; hinter behind + land land.]
a remote and undeveloped area; originally, the land or region
lying behind the coast district. The term is used esp. with
reference to the so-called

doctrine of the hinterland, sometimes advanced, that
occupation of the coast supports a claim to an exclusive
right to occupy, from time to time, the territory lying
inland of the coast.

Syn: backwoods, back country, boondocks.
[Webster 1913 Suppl. + WordNet 1.5]

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