internet telephony
IP Telephony
Internet Telephony

(IPT, Internet Telephony) Use of IP data
connections to exchange voice and fax data that have
traditionally been carried over the {public switched telephone

During the late 1990s, an increasing number of telephone calls
have been routed over the Internet. Calls made in this way
avoid PSTN charges. Unlike traditional telephony, IP
telephony is relatively unregulated.

Companies providing these services are known as {Internet
Telephony Service Providers} (ITSPs). They include telephone
companies, cable TV companies and Internet Service Providers

There are still many problems with voice quality, latency,
compression algorithms, and quality of service.

Voice over IP is an organised effort to standardise IP

See also Computer Telephone Integration.

{Internet Telephony Overview

podobné slovodefinícia
internet telephony service providers
Internet Telephony Service Providers

(ITSP) Companies providing IP Telephony.


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