- ananás
pineapple,ananas n: [bot.]
pineapple,ananasový adj:
pineapple,ruční granát n: [voj.] [slang.] Petr Prášek
fragmentation grenade \fragmentation grenade\ n. (Mil.)
A type of hand grenade designed to burst into multiple
fragments upon detonation of the explosive charge; the
fragments fly away at high velocity, killing or wounding
persons nearby. Contrasted to concussion grenade. The
common type of fragmentation grenade used by the American
military was sometimes jocosely referred to as a pineapple
from its reticulated surface appearance, resembling that of
the fruit.
Pineapple \Pine"ap`ple\, n. (Bot.)
A tropical plant (Ananassa sativa); also, its fruit; -- so
called from the resemblance of the latter, in shape and
external appearance, to the cone of the pine tree. Its origin
is unknown, though conjectured to be American.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a tropical American plant bearing a large fleshy edible
fruit with a terminal tuft of stiff leaves; widely
cultivated in the tropics [syn: pineapple, {pineapple
plant}, Ananas comosus]
2: large sweet fleshy tropical fruit with a terminal tuft of
stiff leaves; widely cultivated [syn: pineapple, ananas]
podobné slovodefinícia
pineapple family
pineapple family, n:
pineapple guava
pineapple guava, n:
pineapple plant
pineapple plant, n:
pineapple weed
pineapple weed, n:
fragmentation grenade \fragmentation grenade\ n. (Mil.)
A type of hand grenade designed to burst into multiple
fragments upon detonation of the explosive charge; the
fragments fly away at high velocity, killing or wounding
persons nearby. Contrasted to concussion grenade. The
common type of fragmentation grenade used by the American
military was sometimes jocosely referred to as a pineapple
from its reticulated surface appearance, resembling that of
the fruit.
[PJC]Pineapple \Pine"ap`ple\, n. (Bot.)
A tropical plant (Ananassa sativa); also, its fruit; -- so
called from the resemblance of the latter, in shape and
external appearance, to the cone of the pine tree. Its origin
is unknown, though conjectured to be American.
[1913 Webster]
pineapple family
pineapple family
n 1: a family of tropical American plants of order Xyridales
including several (as the pineapple) of economic importance
[syn: Bromeliaceae, family Bromeliaceae, {pineapple
pineapple guava
pineapple guava
n 1: dark-green kiwi-sized tropical fruit with white flesh; used
chiefly for jellies and preserves [syn: feijoa,
pineapple guava]
pineapple juice
pineapple juice
n 1: the juice of pineapples (usually bottled or canned)
pineapple plant
pineapple plant
n 1: a tropical American plant bearing a large fleshy edible
fruit with a terminal tuft of stiff leaves; widely
cultivated in the tropics [syn: pineapple, {pineapple
plant}, Ananas comosus]
pineapple weed
pineapple weed
n 1: annual aromatic weed of Pacific coastal areas (United
States and northeastern Asia) having bristle-pointed leaves
and rayless yellow flowers [syn: pineapple weed, {rayless
chamomile}, Matricaria matricarioides]

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