Postfix \Post"fix\, n.; pl. Postfixes. [Pref. post- + -fix, as
in prefix: cf. F. postfixe.] (Gram.)
A letter, syllable, or word, added to the end of another
word; a suffix. --Parkhurst.
[1913 Webster]
Postfix \Post*fix"\, v. t.
To annex; specifically (Gram.), to add or annex, as a letter,
syllable, or word, to the end of another or principal word;
to suffix. --Parkhurst.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: an affix that is added at the end of the word [syn:
suffix, postfix]
podobné slovodefinícia
postfix notation
postfix notation, n:
Postfix \Post"fix\, n.; pl. Postfixes. [Pref. post- + -fix, as
in prefix: cf. F. postfixe.] (Gram.)
A letter, syllable, or word, added to the end of another
word; a suffix. --Parkhurst.
[1913 Webster]Postfix \Post*fix"\, v. t.
To annex; specifically (Gram.), to add or annex, as a letter,
syllable, or word, to the end of another or principal word;
to suffix. --Parkhurst.
[1913 Webster]
Postfix \Post"fix\, n.; pl. Postfixes. [Pref. post- + -fix, as
in prefix: cf. F. postfixe.] (Gram.)
A letter, syllable, or word, added to the end of another
word; a suffix. --Parkhurst.
[1913 Webster]
postfix notation
postfix notation
n 1: a parenthesis-free notation for forming mathematical
expressions in which each operator follows its operands
[syn: postfix notation, suffix notation, {reverse
Polish notation}]
postfix notation
postfix notation
postfix syntax
Reverse Polish Notation
reverse polish syntax

(Or "Reverse Polish Notation", RPN) One of the
possible orderings of functions and operands: in postfix
notation the functions are preceded by all their operands.
For example, what may normally be written as "1+2" becomes "1
2 +". Postfix notation is well suited for stack based
architectures but modern compilers reduced this advantage

The best-known language with postfix syntax is FORTH. Some
Hewlett-Packard calculators use it, e.g. HP-25, HP-29C,
HP-41C, HP-23SII.

Compare: infix notation, prefix notation.

postfix syntax
postfix notation
postfix syntax
Reverse Polish Notation
reverse polish syntax

(Or "Reverse Polish Notation", RPN) One of the
possible orderings of functions and operands: in postfix
notation the functions are preceded by all their operands.
For example, what may normally be written as "1+2" becomes "1
2 +". Postfix notation is well suited for stack based
architectures but modern compilers reduced this advantage

The best-known language with postfix syntax is FORTH. Some
Hewlett-Packard calculators use it, e.g. HP-25, HP-29C,
HP-41C, HP-23SII.

Compare: infix notation, prefix notation.


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