
The BSD Unix Message Transfer Agent supporting
mail transport via TCP/IP using SMTP. Sendmail is
normally invoked in the background via a Mail User Agent
such as the mail command.

Sendmail was written by Eric Allman at the {University of
California at Berkeley} during the late 1970s. He now has his
own company, Sendmail Inc.

Sendmail was one of the first programs to route messages
between networks and today is still the dominant e-mail
transfer software. It thrived despite the awkward ARPAnet
transition between NCP to TCP protocols in the early 1980s
and the adoption of the new SMTP Simple Mail Transport
Protocol, all of which made the business of mail routing a
complex challenge of backward and forward compatibility for
several years. There are now over one million copies of
Sendmail installed, representing over 75% of all Internet mail

Simultaneously with the announcement of the company in
November 1997, Sendmail 8.9 was launched, featuring new tools
designed to limit junk e-mail. SendMail 8.9 is still
distributed as source code with the rights to modify and

The command

sendmail -bv ADDRESS

can be used to learn what the local mail system thinks of
ADDRESS. You can also talk to the Sendmail daemon on a
remote host FOO with the command

telnet FOO 25

podobné slovodefinícia
sendmail inc.
Sendmail Inc.

The company, announced in November 1997 and launched
in March 1998, created by Eric Allman, the original author
of Sendmail. Allman is Chief Technology Officer, {Greg
Olson} is President and CEO.

Sendmail Inc. will sell commercial upgrades, service and
support to Internet Service Providers and corporations
running critical e-mail applications, while still continuing
freeware development.

Sun Microsystems founders Bill Joy and Andy Bechtolscheim
are among the investors in the company, along with Tim
O'Reilly of publishers O'Reilly & Associates and John Funk of
e-mail company InfoBeat Inc..

Allman said that he devoted the fist six months of the life of
Sendmail Inc. to finalising the freeware release. A
commercial version was due in summer 1998, at around $1000 per
server. The company is expected to reach $40m annual sales
within three years. Funding is in the region of $1.25m.


Address: Emeryville, California, USA.


sendmail's configuration file, which it reads
once when starting up, usually found in the /etc directory.

Only real Unix Gurus can understand, let alone modify, this
file since it consists moslty of header rewrite rules
written as M4 macros, as well as various other one- or
two-character commands.


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