
(Or "write-thru") A cache architecture in
which data is written to main memory at the same time as it is

Opposite of write-back. See also buffered write-through,
posted write-through, no-write allocation.

podobné slovodefinícia
buffered write-through
buffered write-through
write buffer

A variation of write-through where the
cache uses a "write buffer" to hold data being written back
to main memory. This frees the cache to service read
requests while the write is taking place. There is usually
only one stage of buffering so subsequent writes must wait
until the first is complete. Most accesses are reads so
buffered write-through is only useful for very slow main

posted write-through
posted write-through

A cache with a posted write-through policy (e.g. Intel 80386)
delays the write-back to main memory until the bus is not in

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