podobné slovo | definícia |
fidel castro (narozen 1926) (czen) | Fidel Castro (narozen 1926),Castron: [jmén.] nejvyšší kubánský
představitel Petr Prášek |
roald amundsen (1872-1928) (czen) | Roald Amundsen (1872-1928),Amundsenn: [jmén.] norský polárník, jako
první proplul Severozápadním průjezdem, jako první dosáhl jižního
pólu Petr Prášek |
robert edwin peary (1856-1920) (czen) | Robert Edwin Peary (1856-1920),Pearyn: [jmén.] americký polárník,
považován za prvního člověka, který dosáhl severního pólu Petr Prášek |
vilfredo pareto (1848-1923) (czen) | Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923),Pareton: [jmén.] italský sociolog a
ekonom Petr Prášek |
H2NC6H4COOCH23NC4H92 (gcide) | butacaine \butacaine\ n.
a white crystalline ester (C18H30N2O2) that is applied to
mucous membranes as a topical anesthetic. Chemically it is
3-(di-n-butylamino)-1-propanol 4-aminobenzoate
(H2N.C6H4.CO.O.(CH2)3N(C4H9)2). It is usually used as the
sulfate salt.
Syn: butacaine sulfate.
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC] |
1920s (wn) | 1920s
n 1: the decade from 1920 to 1929 [syn: twenties, 1920s] |
atomic number 92 (wn) | atomic number 92
n 1: a heavy toxic silvery-white radioactive metallic element;
occurs in many isotopes; used for nuclear fuels and nuclear
weapons [syn: uranium, U, atomic number 92] | (foldoc) |
The default IP address used to connect to many
brands of router to set them up. It can be used from a {web
browser} in the URL ( This URL, and
the necessary default login details, are often printed on the
router. The same address may also be accessible via a
telnet command line interface.
This is a private address that is only visible when
connected directly to the router, i.e. it will not be routed
by other network hardware.
i19216811.com (http://www.i19216811.com/).
cfp92 (foldoc) | SPEC CFP92
A benchmark suite from SPEC containing 14
programs performing floating-point computations. 12 are
written in Fortran and two in C. They can be used to
estimate the performance of CPU, memory system, and compiler
code generation.
The individual programs are Circuit Design, Simulation (2x),
Quantum Chemistry (3x), Electromagnetism, Geometric
Translation, Optics, Robotics, Medical Simulation, Quantum
Physics, Astrophysics, NASA Kernels.
The benchmark suite can be used either for speed measurement,
resulting in SPEC ratios, or for throughput measurement,
resulting in SPEC rates
cint92 (foldoc) | SPEC CINT92
A benchmark suite from SPEC, which contains
six benchmarks in C performing integer computations. They
can be used to estimate the performance of CPU, memory system,
and compiler code generation.
The individual programs are Logic Design (2x), Interpreter,
Data Compression, Spreadsheet. The approximate size of the
suite is 85500 lines of source code without comments.
The benchmark suite can be used either for speed measurement,
resulting in SPEC ratios, or for throughput measurement,
resulting in SPEC rates
isabelle-92 (foldoc) | Isabelle
A generic theorem prover with support for
several object-logics, developed by Lawrence C. Paulson
in collaboration with {Tobias
Nipkow (http://in.tum.de/~nipkow/)} at the {Technical
University of Munich}.
A system of type classes allows polymorphic object-logics
with overloading and automatic type inference.
Isabelle supports first-order logic - constructive and
classical versions; higher-order logic, similar to Gordon's
HOL; Zermelo Fränkel set theory; an extensional version
of Martin Löf's type theory, the classical first-order
sequent calculus, LK; the modal logics T, S4, and
S43; and Logic for Computable Functions.
An object logic's syntax and inference rules are specified
declaratively allowing single-step proof construction.
Proof procedures can be expressed using "tactics" and
"tacticals". Isabelle provides control structures for
expressing search procedures and generic tools such as
simplifiers and classical theorem provers which can be applied
to object-logics. Isabelle is built on top of Standard ML
and uses its user interface.
Mailing list: isabelle-users@cl.cam.ac.uk.
["tactics"? "tacticals"?]
rfc 792 (foldoc) | RFC 792
The RFC defining {Internet Control
Message Protocol}.
sdl 92 (foldoc) | SDL 92
SDL[2] with object-orientation.
sds 92 (foldoc) | SDS 92
A 12-bit computer from Scientific Data Systems
which preceded the Xerox Data Systems Model 940.
spec cfp92 (foldoc) | SPEC CFP92
A benchmark suite from SPEC containing 14
programs performing floating-point computations. 12 are
written in Fortran and two in C. They can be used to
estimate the performance of CPU, memory system, and compiler
code generation.
The individual programs are Circuit Design, Simulation (2x),
Quantum Chemistry (3x), Electromagnetism, Geometric
Translation, Optics, Robotics, Medical Simulation, Quantum
Physics, Astrophysics, NASA Kernels.
The benchmark suite can be used either for speed measurement,
resulting in SPEC ratios, or for throughput measurement,
resulting in SPEC rates
spec cint92 (foldoc) | SPEC CINT92
A benchmark suite from SPEC, which contains
six benchmarks in C performing integer computations. They
can be used to estimate the performance of CPU, memory system,
and compiler code generation.
The individual programs are Logic Design (2x), Interpreter,
Data Compression, Spreadsheet. The approximate size of the
suite is 85500 lines of source code without comments.
The benchmark suite can be used either for speed measurement,
resulting in SPEC ratios, or for throughput measurement,
resulting in SPEC rates
specbase_fp92 (foldoc) | SPECbase_fp92
Floating-Point SPECbaseratio
A variant of SPECfp92 that reports "baseline" results, using
stricter run rules.
specbase_int92 (foldoc) | SPECbase_int92
Integer SPECbaseratio
A variant of SPECint92 that reports "baseline" results,
using stricter run rules.
specfp92 (foldoc) | SPECfp92
Floating-Point SPECratio
A benchmark result derived from the results of a
set of CPU intensive floating-point benchmarks from SPEC
(the geometric mean of the 14 SPEC ratios of CFP92).
SPECfp92 can be used to estimate a machine's single-tasking
performance on floating-point code.
Results (ftp://ftp.nosc.mil/pub/aburto/specfp92.tbl).
specint92 (foldoc) | SPECint92
Integer SPECratio
A benchmark result derived from the results of a
set of integer benchmarks from SPEC (geometric mean of the 6
SPEC ratios of CINT92) which can be used to estimate a
machine's single-tasking performance on integer code.
SPECint92 obsoletes SPECint89.
Results (ftp://ftp.nosc.mil/pub/aburto/specin92.tbl).
See also SPECbase_int92.
specrate_base_fp92 (foldoc) | SPECrate_base_fp92
Floating-Point SPECbaserate
A variant of SPECrate_fp92 that reports
"baseline" results, using stricter run rules.
specrate_fp92 (foldoc) | SPECrate_fp92
Floating-Point SPECrate
A benchmark result derived from the results of a
set of floating-point benchmarks (the geometric mean of 14
SPEC rates from CFP92) run multiple times simultaneously,
which can be used to estimate a machine's overall
multi-tasking throughput for floating-point code. It is
typically used on multiprocessor machines.
SPECrate_fp92 obsoletes SPECfpThruput89.
specrate_int92 (foldoc) | SPECrate_int92
Integer SPECrate
The integer SPECrate derived from the results of
a set of integer benchmarks (the geometric mean of six {SPEC
rates} from CINT92) run multiple times simultaneously, and
can be used to estimate a machine's overall multi-tasking
throughput for integer code. It is typically used on
multiprocessor machines.
SPECrate_int92 obsoletes SPECintThruput89.
See also SPECbaserate.