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advanced technology attachment (foldoc) | Advanced Technology Attachment
AT Attachment
Integrated Drive Electronics
(ATA, AT Attachment or
"Integrated Drive Electronics", IDE) A disk drive interface
standard based on the IBM PC ISA 16-bit bus but also
used on other personal computers. ATA specifies the power
and data signal interfaces between the motherboard and the
integrated disk controller and drive. The ATA "bus" only
supports two devices - master and slave.
ATA drives may in fact use any physical interface the
manufacturer desires, so long as an embedded translator is
included with the proper ATA interface. ATA "controllers" are
actually direct connections to the ISA bus.
Originally called IDE, the ATA interface was invented by
Compaq around 1986, and was developed with the help of
Western Digital, Imprimis, and then-upstart {Conner
Peripherals}. Efforts to standardise the interface started in
1988; the first draft appeared in March 1989, and a finished
version was sent to ANSI group X3T10 (who named it "Advanced
Technology Attachment" (ATA)) for ratification in November
X3T10 later extended ATA to {Advanced Technology Attachment
Interface with Extensions} (ATA-2), followed by ATA-3 and
X3T10 (
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advanced technology attachment (foldoc) | Advanced Technology Attachment
AT Attachment
Integrated Drive Electronics
(ATA, AT Attachment or
"Integrated Drive Electronics", IDE) A disk drive interface
standard based on the IBM PC ISA 16-bit bus but also
used on other personal computers. ATA specifies the power
and data signal interfaces between the motherboard and the
integrated disk controller and drive. The ATA "bus" only
supports two devices - master and slave.
ATA drives may in fact use any physical interface the
manufacturer desires, so long as an embedded translator is
included with the proper ATA interface. ATA "controllers" are
actually direct connections to the ISA bus.
Originally called IDE, the ATA interface was invented by
Compaq around 1986, and was developed with the help of
Western Digital, Imprimis, and then-upstart {Conner
Peripherals}. Efforts to standardise the interface started in
1988; the first draft appeared in March 1989, and a finished
version was sent to ANSI group X3T10 (who named it "Advanced
Technology Attachment" (ATA)) for ratification in November
X3T10 later extended ATA to {Advanced Technology Attachment
Interface with Extensions} (ATA-2), followed by ATA-3 and
X3T10 (
advanced technology attachment interface with extensions (foldoc) | Advanced Technology Attachment Interface with Extensions
Enhanced IDE
Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics
Fast ATA
Fast ATA-2
(ATA-2, Enhanced Integrated Drive
Electronics, EIDE) A proposed (May 1996 or earlier?)
standard from X3T10 (document 948D rev 3) which extends
the Advanced Technology Attachment interface while
maintaining compatibility with current IBM PC BIOS
ATA-2 provides for faster data rates, 32-bit transactions and
(in some drives) DMA. Optional support for power saving
modes and removable devices is also in the standard.
ATA-2 was developed by Western Digital as "Enhanced
Integrated Drive Electronics" (EIDE) around 1994.
Marketroids call it "Fast ATA" or "Fast ATA-2".
ATA-2 was followed by ATA-3 and ATA-4 ("Ultra DMA").
parallel advanced technology attachment (foldoc) | Parallel Advanced Technology Attachment
Parallel ATA
(PATA, Parallel ATA) A back-formation
introduced around 2003 to distinguish the original {Advanced
Technology Attachment} (ATA) standards from the new {Serial
Advanced Technology Attachment} (Serial ATA, SATA).
serial advanced technology attachment (foldoc) | Serial Advanced Technology Attachment
Serial ATA
(SATA, Serial ATA) A computer bus technology
primarily designed for transfer of data to and from a {hard
disk}. SATA is the successor to {Advanced Technology
Attachment} (ATA), which was given the retronym Parallel ATA
(PATA) to distinguish it from Serial ATA.
Serial ATA is designed to be scalable. The original SATA/150
or "SATA 1" can transfer up to 150 MBps and "SATA 3.0
Gbit/s" has a maximum data rate of 300 MBps.
Both SATA and PATA drives have built-in low level control
electronics but the term IDE is usually restricted to
parallel ATA drives.