Advert \Ad*vert"\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Adverted; p. pr. & vb.
n. Adverting.] [L. advertere, v. t., to turn to; ad +
vertere to turn: cf. F. avertir. See Advertise.]
To turn the mind or attention; to refer; to take heed or
notice; -- with to; as, he adverted to what was said.
[1913 Webster]

I may again advert to the distinction. --Owen.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Syn.- To refer; allude; regard. See Refer.
[1913 Webster] Advertence
podobné slovodefinícia
Animadvert \An`i*mad*vert"\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Animadverted;
p. pr. & vb. n. Animadverting.] [L. animadvertere; animus
mind + advertere to turn to; ad to + vertere to turn.]
1. To take notice; to observe; -- commonly followed by that.
--Dr. H. More.
[1913 Webster]

2. To consider or remark by way of criticism or censure; to
express censure; -- with on or upon.
[1913 Webster]

I should not animadvert on him . . . if he had not
used extreme severity in his judgment of the
incomparable Shakespeare. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

3. To take cognizance judicially; to inflict punishment.
[Archaic] --Grew.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: To remark; comment; criticise; censure.
[1913 Webster]

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