Alopex \Alopex\ prop. n.
a genus of arctic foxes.

Syn: genus Alopex.
[WordNet 1.5]
n 1: arctic foxes [syn: Alopex, genus Alopex]
podobné slovodefinícia
Cynalopex corsac
Corsak \Cor"sak\ (k?r"s?k), n. (Zool.)
A small foxlike mammal (Cynalopex corsac), found in Central
Asia. [Written also corsac.]
[1913 Webster]
Vulpes alopex
Brant-fox \Brant"-fox`\, n. [For brand-fox; cf. G. brandfuchs,
Sw. bradr[aum]f. So called from its yellowish brown and
somewhat black color. See Brand.] (Zool.)
A kind of fox found in Sweden (Vulpes alopex), smaller than
the common fox (Vulpes vulgaris), but probably a variety of
[1913 Webster]
n 1: arctic foxes [syn: Alopex, genus Alopex]
alopex lagopus
Alopex lagopus
n 1: thickly-furred fox of Arctic regions; brownish in summer
and white in winter [syn: Arctic fox, white fox,
Alopex lagopus]
genus alopex
genus Alopex
n 1: arctic foxes [syn: Alopex, genus Alopex]

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