apple computer, inc.
Apple Computer, Inc.

Manufacturers of the Macintosh range of {personal
computers} as well as the earlier Apple I, Apple II and
Lisa. Founded on 1 April 1976 by Steve Jobs and {Steve

Apples were among the first microcomputers. They originally
used the 6502 processor and are still being made (August
1994), now using the 65816. The Apple II line, which
includes the Apple I, is the longest existing line of

Steve Jobs left Apple (involuntarily) and started NeXT and
later returned when Apple bought NeXT in late 1997(?).

Quarterly sales $2150M, profits $138M (Aug 1994).

[Dates? More?]

podobné slovodefinícia
apple computer, inc.
Apple Computer, Inc.

Manufacturers of the Macintosh range of {personal
computers} as well as the earlier Apple I, Apple II and
Lisa. Founded on 1 April 1976 by Steve Jobs and {Steve

Apples were among the first microcomputers. They originally
used the 6502 processor and are still being made (August
1994), now using the 65816. The Apple II line, which
includes the Apple I, is the longest existing line of

Steve Jobs left Apple (involuntarily) and started NeXT and
later returned when Apple bought NeXT in late 1997(?).

Quarterly sales $2150M, profits $138M (Aug 1994).

[Dates? More?]


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