Appliqu'e \Ap`pli`qu['e]"\ (?; 277), a. [F., fr. appliquer to
put on.]
Ornamented with a pattern (which has been cut out of another
color or stuff) applied or transferred to a foundation; as,
appliqu['e] lace; appliqu['e] work.
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
Appliqu'e \Ap`pli`qu['e]"\ (?; 277), a. [F., fr. appliquer to
put on.]
Ornamented with a pattern (which has been cut out of another
color or stuff) applied or transferred to a foundation; as,
appliqu['e] lace; appliqu['e] work.
[1913 Webster]
Point appliqu'e
Point appliqu'e \Point appliqu['e]\
Lace having a needle-made design applied to a net ground,
this ground often being machine-made.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

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