Bosch,Bosch n: [jmén.] příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Bosch,Boschn: [jmén.] příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
n 1: Dutch painter (1450-1516) [syn: Bosch, {Hieronymus
Bosch}, Jerom Bos]
podobné slovodefinícia
Bosch,Bosch n: [jmén.] příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Bosch,Boschn: [jmén.] příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Anas boschas
Mallard \Mal"lard\, n. [F. malari,fr. m[^a]le male + -art =
-ard. See Male, a., and -ard.]
1. (Zool.) A drake; the male of Anas boschas.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) A large wild duck (Anas boschas) inhabiting both
America and Europe. The domestic duck has descended from
this species. Called also greenhead.
[1913 Webster]Duck \Duck\, n. [OE. duke, doke. See Duck, v. t. ]
1. (Zool.) Any bird of the subfamily Anatin[ae], family
[1913 Webster]

Note: The genera and species are numerous. They are divided
into river ducks and sea ducks. Among the former
are the common domestic duck (Anas boschas); the wood
duck (Aix sponsa); the beautiful mandarin duck of
China (Dendronessa galeriliculata); the Muscovy duck,
originally of South America (Cairina moschata). Among
the sea ducks are the eider, canvasback, scoter, etc.
[1913 Webster]

2. A sudden inclination of the bead or dropping of the
person, resembling the motion of a duck in water.
[1913 Webster]

Here be, without duck or nod,
Other trippings to be trod. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

Bombay duck (Zool.), a fish. See Bummalo.

Buffel duck, Spirit duck. See Buffel duck.

Duck ant (Zool.), a species of white ant in Jamaica which
builds large nests in trees.

Duck barnacle. (Zool.) See Goose barnacle.

Duck hawk. (Zool.)
(a) In the United States: The peregrine falcon.
(b) In England: The marsh harrier or moor buzzard.

Duck mole (Zool.), a small aquatic mammal of Australia,
having webbed feet and a bill resembling that of a duck
(Ornithorhynchus anatinus). It belongs the subclass
Monotremata and is remarkable for laying eggs like a bird
or reptile; -- called also duckbill, platypus,
mallangong, mullingong, tambreet, and water mole.

To make ducks and drakes, to throw a flat stone obliquely,
so as to make it rebound repeatedly from the surface of
the water, raising a succession of jets; hence:

To play at ducks and drakes, with property, to throw it
away heedlessly or squander it foolishly and unprofitably.

Lame duck. See under Lame.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: Dutch painter (1450-1516) [syn: Bosch, {Hieronymus
Bosch}, Jerom Bos]
haber-bosch process
Haber-Bosch process
n 1: an industrial process for producing ammonia from nitrogen
and hydrogen by combining them under high pressure in the
presence of an iron catalyst [syn: Haber process, {Haber-
Bosch process}]
hieronymus bosch
Hieronymus Bosch
n 1: Dutch painter (1450-1516) [syn: Bosch, {Hieronymus
Bosch}, Jerom Bos]
trichomanes boschianum
Trichomanes boschianum
n 1: a variety of bristle fern [syn: hare's-foot bristle fern,
Trichomanes boschianum]

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