Branchia \Bran"chi*a\, n.; pl. Branchi[ae]. [L., fr. Gr. ?,
pl. of ?.] (Anat.)
A gill; a respiratory organ for breathing the air contained
in water, such as many aquatic and semiaquatic animals have.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: respiratory organ of aquatic animals that breathe oxygen
dissolved in water [syn: gill, branchia]
podobné slovodefinícia
branchial,žaberní Zdeněk Brož
class lamellibranchia
class Lamellibranchia, n:
dibranchiate,dvojžabernatý adj: Zdeněk Brož
dibranchiate mollusk
dibranchiate mollusk, n:
order nudibranchia
order Nudibranchia, n:
order pectinibranchia
order Pectinibranchia, n:
subclass dibranchia
subclass Dibranchia, n:
subclass dibranchiata
subclass Dibranchiata, n:
subclass opisthobranchia
subclass Opisthobranchia, n:
Abranchial \A*bran"chi*al\, a. (Zool.)
[1913 Webster]
Abranchiata \A*bran`chi*a"ta\, n. pl. [NL., from Gr. 'a priv. +
?, pl., the gills of fishes.] (Zool.)
A group of annelids, so called because the species composing
it have no special organs of respiration.
[1913 Webster]
Abranchiate \A*bran"chi*ate\, a. (Zool.)
Without gills.
[1913 Webster]
Anthobranchia \An`tho*bran"chi*a\, n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. 'a`nqos
flower + ? gills, n. pl.] (Zool.)
A division of nudibranchiate Mollusca, in which the gills
form a wreath or cluster upon the posterior part of the back.
See Nudibranchiata, and Doris.
[1913 Webster]
Aspidobranchia \As`pi*do*bran"chi*a\, n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. ?, ?,
shield + ? gills.] (Zool.)
A group of Gastropoda, with limpetlike shells, including the
abalone shells and keyhole limpets.
[1913 Webster]
Branchia \Bran"chi*a\, n.; pl. Branchi[ae]. [L., fr. Gr. ?,
pl. of ?.] (Anat.)
A gill; a respiratory organ for breathing the air contained
in water, such as many aquatic and semiaquatic animals have.
[1913 Webster]
Branchial \Bran"chi*al\, a. (Anat.)
Of or pertaining to branchi[ae] or gills.
[1913 Webster]

Branchial arches, the bony or cartilaginous arches which
support the gills on each side of the throat of fishes and
amphibians. See Illustration in Appendix.

Branchial clefts, the openings between the branchial arches
through which water passes.
[1913 Webster]
Branchial arches
Branchial \Bran"chi*al\, a. (Anat.)
Of or pertaining to branchi[ae] or gills.
[1913 Webster]

Branchial arches, the bony or cartilaginous arches which
support the gills on each side of the throat of fishes and
amphibians. See Illustration in Appendix.

Branchial clefts, the openings between the branchial arches
through which water passes.
[1913 Webster]
Branchial clefts
Branchial \Bran"chi*al\, a. (Anat.)
Of or pertaining to branchi[ae] or gills.
[1913 Webster]

Branchial arches, the bony or cartilaginous arches which
support the gills on each side of the throat of fishes and
amphibians. See Illustration in Appendix.

Branchial clefts, the openings between the branchial arches
through which water passes.
[1913 Webster]Cleft \Cleft\, n. [OE. clift; cf. Sw. klyft cave, den, Icel.
kluft cleft, Dan. kl["o]ft, G. kluft. See Cleave to split
and cf. 2d Clift, 1st Clough.]
1. A space or opening made by splitting; a crack; a crevice;
as, the cleft of a rock. --Is. ii. 21.
[1913 Webster]

2. A piece made by splitting; as, a cleft of wood.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Far.) A disease in horses; a crack on the band of the
[1913 Webster]

Branchial clefts. See under Branchial.

Syn: Crack; crevice; fissure; chink; cranny.
[1913 Webster]
Branchiate \Bran"chi*ate\, a. (Anat.)
Furnished with branchi[ae]; as, branchiate segments.
[1913 Webster]
Caducibranchiate \Ca*du`ci*bran"chi*ate\, a. [L. caducus falling
(fr. cadere to fall) + E. branchiate.] (Zool.)
With temporary gills: -- applied to those Amphibia in which
the gills do not remain in adult life.
[1913 Webster]
Tubicolae \Tu*bic"o*lae\, n. pl. [L. tubus a tube + colere to
inhabit.] (Zool.)
A division of annelids including those which construct, and
habitually live in, tubes. The head or anterior segments
usually bear gills and cirri. Called also Sedentaria, and
Capitibranchiata. See Serpula, and Sabella.
[1913 Webster]Capitibranchiata \Cap`i*ti*bran`chi*a"ta\, n. pl. [NL., from L.
caput, capitis, head + -branchiae gills.] (Zool.)
A division of annelids in which the gills arise from or near
the head. See Tubicola.
[1913 Webster]
Ceratobranchia \Cer`a*to*bran"chi*a\, n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr.
ke`ras, ke`ratos, horn + ?, n. pl., gills.] (Zool.)
A group of nudibranchiate Mollusca having on the back
papilliform or branched organs serving as gills.
[1913 Webster]
Ceratobranchial \Cer`a*to*bran"chi*al\, a. (Anat.)
Pertaining to the bone, or cartilage, below the epibranchial
in a branchial arch. -- n. A ceratobranchial bone, or
[1913 Webster]
Cirrobranchiata \Cir`ro*bran`chi*a"ta\, n. pl. [NL., fr. E.
cirrus + L. branchiae gills.] (Zool.)
A division of Mollusca having slender, cirriform appendages
near the mouth; the Scaphopoda.
[1913 Webster]
Cryptobranchiata \Cryp`to*bran`chi*a"ta\ (kr?p`t?-bra?`k?-?"t?),
n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. krypto`s hidden + L. branchia a gill.]
(a) A division of the Amphibia; the Derotremata.
(b) A group of nudibranch mollusks.
[1913 Webster]
Cryptobranchiate \Cryp`to*bran"chi*ate\ (-br??"k?-?t), a.
Having concealed or rudimentary gills.
[1913 Webster]
Cyclobranchiate \Cy`clo*bran"chi*ate\ (s?`kl?-br?n"k?-?t), a.
[Cyclo- + branchiate.] (Zool)
Having the gills around the margin of the body, as certain
[1913 Webster]
Dermobranchiata \Der`mo*bran`chi*a"ta\, n. pl. [NL.] (Zool.)
A group of nudibranch mollusks without special gills.
[1913 Webster]
Dermobranchiate \Der`mo*bran"chi*ate\, a. [Derm + branchiate.]
Having the skin modified to serve as a gill.
[1913 Webster]
Dibranchia \Dibranchia\ n.
1. comprising all living cephalopods except the family
Nautilidae: the orders Octopoda (octopuses) and Decapoda
(squids and cuttlefish).

Syn: Dibranchiata, subclass ta, Dibranchia, subclass
[WordNet 1.5]
Dibranchiata \Di*bran`chi*a"ta\, n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. di- =
di`s- twice + ? gills.] (Zool.)
An order of cephalopods which includes those with two gills,
an apparatus for emitting an inky fluid, and either eight or
ten cephalic arms bearing suckers or hooks, as the octopi and
squids. See Cephalopoda.
[1913 Webster]
Dibranchiate \Di*bran"chi*ate\, a. (Zool.)
Having two gills. -- n. One of the Dibranchiata.
[1913 Webster]
dorsibranchiata \dor`si*bran`chi*a"ta\, n. pl. [NL., from L.
dorsum back + branchiae gills.] (Zool.)
A division of ch[ae]topod annelids in which the branchi[ae]
are along the back, on each side, or on the parapodia. [See
Illusts. under Annelida and Ch[ae]topoda.]
[1913 Webster]
Dorsibranchiate \Dor`si*bran"chi*ate\, a. (Zool.)
Having branchi[ae] along the back; belonging to the
Dorsibranchiata. -- n. One of the Dorsibranchiata.
[1913 Webster]
Elasmobranchiate \E*las`mo*bran"chi*ate\, a. (Zo["o]l.)
Of or pertaining to Elasmobranchii. -- n. One of the
[1913 Webster]
Epibranchial \Ep`i*bran"chi*al\, a. [Pref. epi- + branchial.]
Pertaining to the segment between the ceratobranchial and
pharyngobranchial in a branchial arch. -- n. An epibranchial
cartilage or bone.
[1913 Webster]
Extrabranchial \Ex`tra*bran"chi*al\, a. (Anat.)
Outside of the branchial arches; -- said of the cartilages
thus placed in some fishes.
[1913 Webster]
Hydrobranchiata \Hy`dro*bran`chi*a"ta\, n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr.
"y`dwr water + ? gills.] (Zool.)
An extensive artificial division of gastropod mollusks,
including those that breathe by gills, as contrasted with the
Pulmonifera. -- Hy`dro*bran"chi*ate, a.
[1913 Webster]
Hydrobranchiata \Hy`dro*bran`chi*a"ta\, n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr.
"y`dwr water + ? gills.] (Zool.)
An extensive artificial division of gastropod mollusks,
including those that breathe by gills, as contrasted with the
Pulmonifera. -- Hy`dro*bran"chi*ate, a.
[1913 Webster]
Hypobranchial \Hy`po*bran"chi*al\, a. [Pref. hypo- + branchial.]
Pertaining to the segment between the basibranchial and the
ceratobranchial in a branchial arch. -- n. A hypobranchial
bone or cartilage. Hypocarp
Inferobranchian \In`fe*ro*bran"chi*an\, n. (Zool.)
One of the Inferobranchiata.
[1913 Webster]
Inferobranchiata \In`fe*ro*bran`chi*a"ta\, n. pl. [NL. See
Inferobranchiate.] (Zool.)
A suborder of marine gastropod mollusks, in which the gills
are between the foot and the mantle.
[1913 Webster]
Inferobranchiate \In`fe*ro*bran"chi*ate\, a. [L. inferus lower +
E. branchiate.] (Zool.)
Having the gills on the sides of the body, under the margin
of the mantle; belonging to the Inferobranchiata.
[1913 Webster]
Infrabranchial \In`fra*bran"chi*al\, a. [Infra + branchial.]
Below the gills; -- applied to the ventral portion of the
pallial chamber in the lamellibranchs.
[1913 Webster]
Interbranchial \In`ter*bran"chi*al\, a. (Zool.)
Between the branchi[ae].
[1913 Webster]
Lamellibranchia \La*mel`li*bran"chi*a\, Lamellibranchiata
\La*mel`li*bran`chi*a"ta\, n. pl. [NL. See lamella, and
Branchia, Branchiate.] (Zool.)
An earlier name for the class of Mollusca including all those
that have bivalve shells, as the clams, oysters, mussels,
etc., now called Pelecypoda or Bivalvia.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

Note: They usually have two (rarely but one) flat,
lamelliform gills on each side of the body. They have
an imperfectly developed head, concealed within the
shell, whence they are called {Acephala}. Called also
Conchifera, and Pelecypoda. See Bivalve.
[1913 Webster]
Lamellibranchia \La*mel`li*bran"chi*a\, Lamellibranchiata
\La*mel`li*bran`chi*a"ta\, n. pl. [NL. See lamella, and
Branchia, Branchiate.] (Zool.)
An earlier name for the class of Mollusca including all those
that have bivalve shells, as the clams, oysters, mussels,
etc., now called Pelecypoda or Bivalvia.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

Note: They usually have two (rarely but one) flat,
lamelliform gills on each side of the body. They have
an imperfectly developed head, concealed within the
shell, whence they are called {Acephala}. Called also
Conchifera, and Pelecypoda. See Bivalve.
[1913 Webster]
Lamellibranchiate \Lam`el*li*bran"chi*ate\, a. (Zool.)
Having lamellar gills; belonging to the Lamellibranchia (also
called Pelecypoda). -- n. One of the Lamellibranchia (also
called Pelecypoda).
[1913 Webster]
Lernaea branchialis
Lernaea \Ler*n[ae]"a\ (l[~e]r*n[=e]"[.a]), n. [NL., fr. L.
Lernaeus Lern[ae]an, fr. Lerna, Gr. Le`rnh, a forest and
marsh near Argos, the mythological abode of the hydra.]
A Linn[ae]an genus of parasitic Entomostraca, -- the same as
the family Lern[ae]id[ae].
[1913 Webster]

Note: The genus is restricted by modern Zoologists to a
limited number of species similar to {Lern[ae]a
branchialis} found on the gills of the cod.
[1913 Webster]
Lophobranchiate \Loph`o*bran"chi*ate\, a. (Zool.)
Of or pertaining to the Lophobranchii.
[1913 Webster]
Marsipobranchia \Mar"si*po*bran"chi*a\, n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. ? a
pouch + ? a gill.] (Zool.)
A class of Vertebrata, lower than fishes, characterized by
their purselike gill cavities, cartilaginous skeletons,
absence of limbs, and a suckerlike mouth destitute of jaws.
It includes the lampreys and hagfishes. See Cyclostoma, and
Lamprey. Called also Marsipobranchiata, and
[1913 Webster]
Marsipobranchia \Mar"si*po*bran"chi*a\, n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. ? a
pouch + ? a gill.] (Zool.)
A class of Vertebrata, lower than fishes, characterized by
their purselike gill cavities, cartilaginous skeletons,
absence of limbs, and a suckerlike mouth destitute of jaws.
It includes the lampreys and hagfishes. See Cyclostoma, and
Lamprey. Called also Marsipobranchiata, and
[1913 Webster]
Mesobranchial \Mes`o*bran"chi*al\, a. [Meso- + branchial.]
Of or pertaining to a region of the carapace of a crab
covering the middle branchial region.
[1913 Webster]
Metabranchial \Met`a*bran"chi*al\, a. [Meta- + branchial.]
Of or pertaining to the lobe of the carapace of crabs
covering the posterior branchiae.
[1913 Webster]
Notobranchiata \No`to*bran`chi*a*ta\, n. pl. [NL. See Notum,
and Branchia.] (Zool.)
(a) A division of nudibranchiate mollusks having gills upon
the back.
(b) The Dorsibranchiata.
[1913 Webster]
Notobranchiate \No`to*bran"chi*ate\, a. (Zool.)
Of or pertaining to the Notobranchiata.
[1913 Webster]
Nucleobranchiata \Nu`cle*o*bran`chi*a"ta\, n. pl. [NL. See
Nucleus, and Branchia] (Zool.)
See Heteropoda.
[1913 Webster]
Nudibranchiata \Nu`di*bran`chi*a"ta\, n. pl. [NL. See Nude,
and Branchia.] (Zool.)
A division of opisthobranchiate mollusks, having no shell
except while very young. The gills are naked and situated
upon the back or sides. See Ceratobranchia.
[1913 Webster]
Nudibranchiate \Nu`di*bran"chi*ate\, a. & n. (Zool.)
Same as Nudibranch.
[1913 Webster]
Opisthobranchia \O*pis`tho*bran"chi*a\, Opisthobranchiata
\O*pis`tho*bran`chi*a"ta\, n. pl. [NL., from Gr. 'o`pisqen
behind + ? gills.] (Zool.)
A division of gastropod Mollusca, in which the breathing
organs are usually situated behind the heart. It includes the
tectibranchs and nudibranchs.
[1913 Webster]
Opisthobranchia \O*pis`tho*bran"chi*a\, Opisthobranchiata
\O*pis`tho*bran`chi*a"ta\, n. pl. [NL., from Gr. 'o`pisqen
behind + ? gills.] (Zool.)
A division of gastropod Mollusca, in which the breathing
organs are usually situated behind the heart. It includes the
tectibranchs and nudibranchs.
[1913 Webster]
Opisthobranchiate \O*pis`tho*bran"chi*ate\, a. (Zool.)
Of or pertaining to the Opisthobranchiata. -- n. One of the
[1913 Webster] Opisthocoelian
Palliobranchiata \Pal`li*o*bran`chi*a"ta\, n. pl. [NL.] (Zool.)
Same as Brachiopoda.
[1913 Webster]
Palliobranchiate \Pal`li*o*bran"chi*ate\, a. [See Pallium, and
Branchia.] (Zool.)
Having the pallium, or mantle, acting as a gill, as in
[1913 Webster]
Pectinibranchiata \Pec`ti*ni*bran`chi*a"ta\, n. pl. [NL. See
Pecten, and Branchia.] (Zool.)
A division of Gastropoda, including those that have a
comblike gill upon the neck.
[1913 Webster]
Pectinibranchiate \Pec`ti*ni*bran"chi*ate\, a. [L. pecten,
-inis, a comb + E. branchiate.] (Zool.)
Having pectinated gills.
[1913 Webster]
Pellibranchiata \Pel`li*bran`chi*a"ta\, n. pl. [NL., fr. pellis
garment + branchia a gill.] (Zool.)
A division of Nudibranchiata, in which the mantle itself
serves as a gill.
[1913 Webster]
Perennibranchiata \Per*en`ni*bran`chi*a"ta\, n. pl. [NL. See
Perennial, and Branchia.] (Zool.)
Those Batrachia which retain their gills through life, as the
[1913 Webster]
Perennibranchiate \Per*en`ni*bran"chi*ate\, a. [See Perennial,
and Branchiate.]
1. (Anat.) Having branch[ae], or gills, through life; -- said
especially of certain Amphibia, like the menobranchus.
Opposed to caducibranchiate.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) Belonging to the Perennibranchiata.
[1913 Webster]
Peribranchial \Per`i*bran"chi*al\, a. (Anat.)
Surrounding the branchi[ae]; as, a peribranchial cavity.
[1913 Webster]
Petromyzon branchialis
Pride \Pride\, n. [Cf. AS. lamprede, LL. lampreda, E. lamprey.]
A small European lamprey (Petromyzon branchialis); --
called also prid, and sandpiper.
[1913 Webster]
Pharyngobranchial \Pha*ryn`go*bran"chi*al\, a. [Pharynx +
branchial.] (Anat.)
Of or pertaining to the pharynx and the branchi[ae]; --
applied especially to the dorsal elements in the branchial
arches of fishes. See Pharyngeal. -- n. A
pharyngobranchial, or upper pharyngeal, bone or cartilage.
[1913 Webster]
Phyllobranchia \Phyl`lo*bran"chi*a\, n.; pl. Phyllobranci[ae].
[NL. See Phyllo-, and Branchia.] (Zool.)
A crustacean gill composed of lamellae.
[1913 Webster] phylloclade
Pleurobranchia \Pleu`ro*bran"chi*a\, n.; pl.
Pleuroeranchi[ae]. [NL.] (Zool.)
Same as Pleurobranch.
[1913 Webster]
Podobranchia \Pod`o*bran"chi*a\, n., pl. Podobranchi[ae]
(-[=e]). [NL.] (Zool.)
Same as Podobranch.
[1913 Webster]
Podobranchia \Pod`o*bran"chi*a\, n., pl. Podobranchi[ae]
(-[=e]). [NL.] (Zool.)
Same as Podobranch.
[1913 Webster]
Polybranchia \Pol`y*bran"chi*a\, n. pl. [NL. See Poly-, and
Branchia.] (Zool.)
A division of Nudibranchiata including those which have
numerous branchi[ae] on the back.
[1913 Webster]
Prosobranchiata \Pros`o*bran`chi*a"ta\, n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. ?
forward, further + ? a gill.] (Zool.)
The highest division, or subclass, of gastropod mollusks,
including those that have the gills situated anteriorly, or
forward of the heart, and the sexes separate.
[1913 Webster]
Pseudobranchia \Pseu`do*bran"chi*a\, n.; pl.
Pseudobranchi[ae]. [NL. See Pseudo-, and Branchia.]
A rudimentary branchia, or gill. -- Pseu`do*bran"chi*al, a.
[1913 Webster]

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