Computer Aided Detector Design

(CADD) A project to standardise HEP
detector designer.

podobné slovodefinícia
caddie,nosič golfových holí webcaddie,nosič holí v golfu Jiří Šmoldas
caddied,nošený Jaroslav Šedivý
caddish,náležící někomu nebo něčemu Jiří Šmoldascaddish,související s někým nebo něčím Jiří Šmoldas
caddy,krabička s čajem Jiří Šmoldascaddy,nosič holí v golfu Jiří Šmoldas
golf caddie
golf caddie, n:
tea caddy
tea caddy, n:
Caddice \Cad"dice\, Caddis \Cad"dis\, n. [Prov. E. caddy, cadew;
cf. G. k["o]der bait.] (Zool.)
The larva of a caddice fly. These larv[ae] generally live in
cylindrical cases, open at each end, and covered externally
with pieces of broken shells, gravel, bits of wood, etc. They
are a favorite bait with anglers. Called also caddice worm,
or caddis worm.
[1913 Webster]
Caddice fly
Caddice fly \Caddice fly\ (Zool.),
a small mothlike species of trichopterous insect, whose larva
is the caddice; it has two pairs of hairy membranous wings
and aquatic larvae.
[1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5]
caddice worm
Caddice \Cad"dice\, Caddis \Cad"dis\, n. [Prov. E. caddy, cadew;
cf. G. k["o]der bait.] (Zool.)
The larva of a caddice fly. These larv[ae] generally live in
cylindrical cases, open at each end, and covered externally
with pieces of broken shells, gravel, bits of wood, etc. They
are a favorite bait with anglers. Called also caddice worm,
or caddis worm.
[1913 Webster]
Caddie \Cad"die\, n. [Written also caddy, cadie, cady, and
cawdy.] [See Cadet.]
1. A cadet. [Obs. Scot.]
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

2. A lad; young fellow. [Scot.] --Burns.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

3. One who does errands or other odd jobs. [Scot.]
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

4. An attendant who carries a golf player's clubs, tees his
ball, etc.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]Cadie \Cad"ie\, Caddie \Cad"die\, n.
A Scotch errand boy, porter, or messenger. [Written also
[1913 Webster]

Every Scotchman, from the peer to the cadie.
[1913 Webster]
Caddy \Cad"dy\, n.; pl. Caddies. [Earlier spelt catty, fr.
Malay kat[imac] a weight of 11/3 pounds. Cf. Catty.]
1. A small box, can, or chest to keep tea in, also called
tea caddy.
[1913 Webster]

2. a container to hold objects when not in use.

3. (Computers) a container to hold a compact disk, used in
some types of compact disk devices, which is inserted into
the CD player during playing, or in the case of recordable
CD-ROMS, during recording. It is approximately square and
thin, slightly larger than the compact disk. However, many
CD players have a drawer for the compact disk, requiring
no caddy.
Caddice \Cad"dice\, Caddis \Cad"dis\, n. [Prov. E. caddy, cadew;
cf. G. k["o]der bait.] (Zool.)
The larva of a caddice fly. These larv[ae] generally live in
cylindrical cases, open at each end, and covered externally
with pieces of broken shells, gravel, bits of wood, etc. They
are a favorite bait with anglers. Called also caddice worm,
or caddis worm.
[1913 Webster]Caddis \Cad"dis\, n. [OE. caddas, Scot. caddis lint, caddes a
kind of woolen cloth, cf. Gael. cada, cadadh, a kind of
cloth, cotton, fustian, W. cadas, F. cadis.]
A kind of worsted lace or ribbon. "Caddises, cambrics,
lawns." --Shak.
[1913 Webster] caddis fly
caddis fly
caddis fly \caddis fly\, caddisfly \caddisfly\n.
same as caddice fly.

Syn: caddice fly, caddicefly.
[WordNet 1.5]
caddis worm
Caddice \Cad"dice\, Caddis \Cad"dis\, n. [Prov. E. caddy, cadew;
cf. G. k["o]der bait.] (Zool.)
The larva of a caddice fly. These larv[ae] generally live in
cylindrical cases, open at each end, and covered externally
with pieces of broken shells, gravel, bits of wood, etc. They
are a favorite bait with anglers. Called also caddice worm,
or caddis worm.
[1913 Webster]
caddis fly \caddis fly\, caddisfly \caddisfly\n.
same as caddice fly.

Syn: caddice fly, caddicefly.
[WordNet 1.5]
Caddish \Cad"dish\, a.
Like a cad; lowbred and presuming.
[1913 Webster]
Caddow \Cad"dow\, n. [OE. cadawe, prob. fr. ca chough + daw
jackdaw; cf. Gael. cadhag, cathag. Cf. Chough, Daw, n.]
A jackdaw. [Prov. Eng.]
[1913 Webster]
Caddy \Cad"dy\, n.; pl. Caddies. [Earlier spelt catty, fr.
Malay kat[imac] a weight of 11/3 pounds. Cf. Catty.]
1. A small box, can, or chest to keep tea in, also called
tea caddy.
[1913 Webster]

2. a container to hold objects when not in use.

3. (Computers) a container to hold a compact disk, used in
some types of compact disk devices, which is inserted into
the CD player during playing, or in the case of recordable
CD-ROMS, during recording. It is approximately square and
thin, slightly larger than the compact disk. However, many
CD players have a drawer for the compact disk, requiring
no caddy.
[PJC]Caddie \Cad"die\, n. [Written also caddy, cadie, cady, and
cawdy.] [See Cadet.]
1. A cadet. [Obs. Scot.]
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

2. A lad; young fellow. [Scot.] --Burns.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

3. One who does errands or other odd jobs. [Scot.]
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

4. An attendant who carries a golf player's clubs, tees his
ball, etc.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Caddy \Cad"dy\, n.; pl. Caddies. [Earlier spelt catty, fr.
Malay kat[imac] a weight of 11/3 pounds. Cf. Catty.]
1. A small box, can, or chest to keep tea in, also called
tea caddy.
[1913 Webster]

2. a container to hold objects when not in use.

3. (Computers) a container to hold a compact disk, used in
some types of compact disk devices, which is inserted into
the CD player during playing, or in the case of recordable
CD-ROMS, during recording. It is approximately square and
thin, slightly larger than the compact disk. However, many
CD players have a drawer for the compact disk, requiring
no caddy.
[PJC]Caddie \Cad"die\, n. [Written also caddy, cadie, cady, and
cawdy.] [See Cadet.]
1. A cadet. [Obs. Scot.]
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

2. A lad; young fellow. [Scot.] --Burns.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

3. One who does errands or other odd jobs. [Scot.]
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

4. An attendant who carries a golf player's clubs, tees his
ball, etc.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Tea caddy
Tea \Tea\ (t[=e]), n. [Chin. tsh[=a], Prov. Chin. te: cf. F.
1. The prepared leaves of a shrub, or small tree ({Thea
Chinensis} or Camellia Chinensis). The shrub is a native
of China, but has been introduced to some extent into some
other countries.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Teas are classed as green or black, according to their
color or appearance, the kinds being distinguished also
by various other characteristic differences, as of
taste, odor, and the like. The color, flavor, and
quality are dependent upon the treatment which the
leaves receive after being gathered. The leaves for
green tea are heated, or roasted slightly, in shallow
pans over a wood fire, almost immediately after being
gathered, after which they are rolled with the hands
upon a table, to free them from a portion of their
moisture, and to twist them, and are then quickly
dried. Those intended for black tea are spread out in
the air for some time after being gathered, and then
tossed about with the hands until they become soft and
flaccid, when they are roasted for a few minutes, and
rolled, and having then been exposed to the air for a
few hours in a soft and moist state, are finally dried
slowly over a charcoal fire. The operation of roasting
and rolling is sometimes repeated several times, until
the leaves have become of the proper color. The
principal sorts of green tea are Twankay, the poorest
kind; Hyson skin, the refuse of Hyson; Hyson, Imperial,
and Gunpowder, fine varieties; and Young Hyson, a
choice kind made from young leaves gathered early in
the spring. Those of black tea are Bohea, the poorest
kind; Congou; Oolong; Souchong, one of the finest
varieties; and Pekoe, a fine-flavored kind, made
chiefly from young spring buds. See Bohea, Congou,
Gunpowder tea, under Gunpowder, Hyson, Oolong,
and Souchong. --K. Johnson. --Tomlinson.
[1913 Webster]

Note: "No knowledge of . . . [tea] appears to have reached
Europe till after the establishment of intercourse
between Portugal and China in 1517. The Portuguese,
however, did little towards the introduction of the
herb into Europe, and it was not till the Dutch
established themselves at Bantam early in 17th century,
that these adventurers learned from the Chinese the
habit of tea drinking, and brought it to Europe."
--Encyc. Brit.
[1913 Webster]

2. A decoction or infusion of tea leaves in boiling water;
as, tea is a common beverage.
[1913 Webster]

3. Any infusion or decoction, especially when made of the
dried leaves of plants; as, sage tea; chamomile tea;
catnip tea.
[1913 Webster]

4. The evening meal, at which tea is usually served; supper.
[1913 Webster]

Arabian tea, the leaves of Catha edulis; also (Bot.), the
plant itself. See Kat.

Assam tea, tea grown in Assam, in India, originally brought
there from China about the year 1850.

Australian tea, or Botany Bay tea (Bot.), a woody
climbing plant (Smilax glycyphylla).

Brazilian tea.
(a) The dried leaves of Lantana pseodothea, used in
Brazil as a substitute for tea.
(b) The dried leaves of Stachytarpheta mutabilis, used
for adulterating tea, and also, in Austria, for
preparing a beverage.

Labrador tea. (Bot.) See under Labrador.

New Jersey tea (Bot.), an American shrub, the leaves of
which were formerly used as a substitute for tea; redroot.
See Redroot.

New Zealand tea. (Bot.) See under New Zealand.

Oswego tea. (Bot.) See Oswego tea.

Paraguay tea, mate. See 1st Mate.

Tea board, a board or tray for holding a tea set.

Tea bug (Zool.), an hemipterous insect which injures the
tea plant by sucking the juice of the tender leaves.

Tea caddy, a small box for holding tea.

Tea chest, a small, square wooden case, usually lined with
sheet lead or tin, in which tea is imported from China.

Tea clam (Zool.), a small quahaug. [Local, U. S.]

Tea garden, a public garden where tea and other
refreshments are served.

Tea plant (Bot.), any plant, the leaves of which are used
in making a beverage by infusion; specifically, {Thea
Chinensis}, from which the tea of commerce is obtained.

Tea rose (Bot.), a delicate and graceful variety of the
rose (Rosa Indica, var. odorata), introduced from China,
and so named from its scent. Many varieties are now

Tea service, the appurtenances or utensils required for a
tea table, -- when of silver, usually comprising only the
teapot, milk pitcher, and sugar dish.

Tea set, a tea service.

Tea table, a table on which tea furniture is set, or at
which tea is drunk.

Tea taster, one who tests or ascertains the quality of tea
by tasting.

Tea tree (Bot.), the tea plant of China. See Tea plant,

Tea urn, a vessel generally in the form of an urn or vase,
for supplying hot water for steeping, or infusing, tea.
[1913 Webster]Caddy \Cad"dy\, n.; pl. Caddies. [Earlier spelt catty, fr.
Malay kat[imac] a weight of 11/3 pounds. Cf. Catty.]
1. A small box, can, or chest to keep tea in, also called
tea caddy.
[1913 Webster]

2. a container to hold objects when not in use.

3. (Computers) a container to hold a compact disk, used in
some types of compact disk devices, which is inserted into
the CD player during playing, or in the case of recordable
CD-ROMS, during recording. It is approximately square and
thin, slightly larger than the compact disk. However, many
CD players have a drawer for the compact disk, requiring
no caddy.
tea caddy
Tea \Tea\ (t[=e]), n. [Chin. tsh[=a], Prov. Chin. te: cf. F.
1. The prepared leaves of a shrub, or small tree ({Thea
Chinensis} or Camellia Chinensis). The shrub is a native
of China, but has been introduced to some extent into some
other countries.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Teas are classed as green or black, according to their
color or appearance, the kinds being distinguished also
by various other characteristic differences, as of
taste, odor, and the like. The color, flavor, and
quality are dependent upon the treatment which the
leaves receive after being gathered. The leaves for
green tea are heated, or roasted slightly, in shallow
pans over a wood fire, almost immediately after being
gathered, after which they are rolled with the hands
upon a table, to free them from a portion of their
moisture, and to twist them, and are then quickly
dried. Those intended for black tea are spread out in
the air for some time after being gathered, and then
tossed about with the hands until they become soft and
flaccid, when they are roasted for a few minutes, and
rolled, and having then been exposed to the air for a
few hours in a soft and moist state, are finally dried
slowly over a charcoal fire. The operation of roasting
and rolling is sometimes repeated several times, until
the leaves have become of the proper color. The
principal sorts of green tea are Twankay, the poorest
kind; Hyson skin, the refuse of Hyson; Hyson, Imperial,
and Gunpowder, fine varieties; and Young Hyson, a
choice kind made from young leaves gathered early in
the spring. Those of black tea are Bohea, the poorest
kind; Congou; Oolong; Souchong, one of the finest
varieties; and Pekoe, a fine-flavored kind, made
chiefly from young spring buds. See Bohea, Congou,
Gunpowder tea, under Gunpowder, Hyson, Oolong,
and Souchong. --K. Johnson. --Tomlinson.
[1913 Webster]

Note: "No knowledge of . . . [tea] appears to have reached
Europe till after the establishment of intercourse
between Portugal and China in 1517. The Portuguese,
however, did little towards the introduction of the
herb into Europe, and it was not till the Dutch
established themselves at Bantam early in 17th century,
that these adventurers learned from the Chinese the
habit of tea drinking, and brought it to Europe."
--Encyc. Brit.
[1913 Webster]

2. A decoction or infusion of tea leaves in boiling water;
as, tea is a common beverage.
[1913 Webster]

3. Any infusion or decoction, especially when made of the
dried leaves of plants; as, sage tea; chamomile tea;
catnip tea.
[1913 Webster]

4. The evening meal, at which tea is usually served; supper.
[1913 Webster]

Arabian tea, the leaves of Catha edulis; also (Bot.), the
plant itself. See Kat.

Assam tea, tea grown in Assam, in India, originally brought
there from China about the year 1850.

Australian tea, or Botany Bay tea (Bot.), a woody
climbing plant (Smilax glycyphylla).

Brazilian tea.
(a) The dried leaves of Lantana pseodothea, used in
Brazil as a substitute for tea.
(b) The dried leaves of Stachytarpheta mutabilis, used
for adulterating tea, and also, in Austria, for
preparing a beverage.

Labrador tea. (Bot.) See under Labrador.

New Jersey tea (Bot.), an American shrub, the leaves of
which were formerly used as a substitute for tea; redroot.
See Redroot.

New Zealand tea. (Bot.) See under New Zealand.

Oswego tea. (Bot.) See Oswego tea.

Paraguay tea, mate. See 1st Mate.

Tea board, a board or tray for holding a tea set.

Tea bug (Zool.), an hemipterous insect which injures the
tea plant by sucking the juice of the tender leaves.

Tea caddy, a small box for holding tea.

Tea chest, a small, square wooden case, usually lined with
sheet lead or tin, in which tea is imported from China.

Tea clam (Zool.), a small quahaug. [Local, U. S.]

Tea garden, a public garden where tea and other
refreshments are served.

Tea plant (Bot.), any plant, the leaves of which are used
in making a beverage by infusion; specifically, {Thea
Chinensis}, from which the tea of commerce is obtained.

Tea rose (Bot.), a delicate and graceful variety of the
rose (Rosa Indica, var. odorata), introduced from China,
and so named from its scent. Many varieties are now

Tea service, the appurtenances or utensils required for a
tea table, -- when of silver, usually comprising only the
teapot, milk pitcher, and sugar dish.

Tea set, a tea service.

Tea table, a table on which tea furniture is set, or at
which tea is drunk.

Tea taster, one who tests or ascertains the quality of tea
by tasting.

Tea tree (Bot.), the tea plant of China. See Tea plant,

Tea urn, a vessel generally in the form of an urn or vase,
for supplying hot water for steeping, or infusing, tea.
[1913 Webster]Caddy \Cad"dy\, n.; pl. Caddies. [Earlier spelt catty, fr.
Malay kat[imac] a weight of 11/3 pounds. Cf. Catty.]
1. A small box, can, or chest to keep tea in, also called
tea caddy.
[1913 Webster]

2. a container to hold objects when not in use.

3. (Computers) a container to hold a compact disk, used in
some types of compact disk devices, which is inserted into
the CD player during playing, or in the case of recordable
CD-ROMS, during recording. It is approximately square and
thin, slightly larger than the compact disk. However, many
CD players have a drawer for the compact disk, requiring
no caddy.
caddice fly
caddice fly
n 1: small moth-like insect having two pairs of hairy membranous
wings and aquatic larvae [syn: caddis fly, caddis-fly,
caddice fly, caddice-fly]
n 1: small moth-like insect having two pairs of hairy membranous
wings and aquatic larvae [syn: caddis fly, caddis-fly,
caddice fly, caddice-fly]
n 1: an attendant who carries the golf clubs for a player [syn:
caddie, golf caddie]
v 1: act as a caddie and carry clubs for a player [syn:
caddie, caddy]
caddis fly
caddis fly
n 1: small moth-like insect having two pairs of hairy membranous
wings and aquatic larvae [syn: caddis fly, caddis-fly,
caddice fly, caddice-fly]
n 1: small moth-like insect having two pairs of hairy membranous
wings and aquatic larvae [syn: caddis fly, caddis-fly,
caddice fly, caddice-fly]
adj 1: offensively discourteous [syn: caddish, unchivalrous,
n 1: larva of the caddis fly; constructs a case of silk covered
with sand or plant debris [syn: caddisworm, strawworm]
n 1: a group of Plains Indians formerly living in what is now
North and South Dakota and Nebraska and Kansas and Arkansas
and Louisiana and Oklahoma and Texas
2: a family of North American Indian languages spoken widely in
the Midwest by the Caddo [syn: Caddo, Caddoan, {Caddoan
n 1: a family of North American Indian languages spoken widely
in the Midwest by the Caddo [syn: Caddo, Caddoan,
Caddoan language]
caddoan language
Caddoan language
n 1: a family of North American Indian languages spoken widely
in the Midwest by the Caddo [syn: Caddo, Caddoan,
Caddoan language]
n 1: a can for storing tea [syn: caddy, tea caddy]
v 1: act as a caddie and carry clubs for a player [syn:
caddie, caddy]
golf caddie
golf caddie
n 1: an attendant who carries the golf clubs for a player [syn:
caddie, golf caddie]
tea caddy
tea caddy
n 1: a can for storing tea [syn: caddy, tea caddy]
Computer Aided Detector Design

(CADD) A project to standardise HEP
detector designer.

International Committee for Accessible Document Design (org.)

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